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O&G 10-16-2012 05:30 PM

DIY: Engine Bay Wire Tuck
I copied and pasted this from my journal today as I have not seen anyone really talk about this easy mod. I think it gives the engine bay a nice clean look :)

Started tucking the headlight wire looms, starter cable and grounding wires on and around the engine and bay area. I got the passenger side done by running most the wires through the fender w/ out having to lengthen or modify them. I simply cut the looms off, wrapped the wires w/ electrical tape and ran them through the fender. They slide right in, there is a gap between the fender and body, about an inch or so. The starter cable that runs over the top/front area of the motor and on to the battery compartment. You can unbolt it from the battery and run it reverse style, back through the brake booster compartment and up through the windshield wiper motor compartment(firewall) and on to the battery compartment w/ no modifications needed. The driver side headlight looms can be done the same way the passenger side looms were tucked. The ugly fuse box on the driver side can be taken apart, I taped the 2 relays up tightly w/ electrical tape, tucked them into the fender and up into the brake booster compartment. Ron found an awesome CNC vacuum manifold kit and linked it on Phunks TT thread. Great find!!! I'll be moving all vacuum lines and manifold pressure sensor behind the fire wall where the wiper blade motor is located via the stock grommets from the headlight wire looms. I attached a few pics of the before and after passenger side and some of the brackets and plumbing removed.

Relays removed from plastic box on driver side. Zip tied them up to the headlight wiring harness after I sealed them up w/ electrical tape.

I did this mod about a year ago and have had no issues arise.

GaleForce 10-16-2012 05:43 PM

Looks good. I'll have to revisit this thread while my car is apart this winter. Rep'd

Thanks for sharing :tup:

Nut_N_Much 10-16-2012 06:33 PM

Man, looks much cleaner... Thanks for the DIY.. :tiphat:

Z370Z011 10-23-2012 12:40 PM

How long did it take you from start to finish, to complete this mod?

Mitco39 10-23-2012 12:56 PM

I would be worried about rubbing through the wires after years of driving.

O&G 10-23-2012 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mitco39 (Post 1976267)
I would be worried about rubbing through the wires after years of driving.

The wires aren't rubbing, but if your worried about that I would suggest keeping your Z stock.

O&G 10-23-2012 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Z370Z011 (Post 1976252)
How long did it take you from start to finish, to complete this mod?

I was doing a few other things while I did this so I'm not sure, but it honestly doesn't take that long. Taking all the plastics off and getting access to the wiper motor compartment is probably the most time consuming.

O&G 01-10-2013 09:16 PM

Updated some pics of the relays I tucked. I had the front end removed today and figured I snap some fresh pics.

GaleForce 01-10-2013 10:27 PM

Good job :tup:

jpritche 01-11-2013 06:37 AM

Not to derail, but where did you get the Two red caps in your engine bay.

O&G 01-11-2013 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by jpritche (Post 2104613)
Not to derail, but where did you get the Two red caps in your engine bay.

It's been so long I honestly don't remember. I want to say Zspeed or JSC speed. They come in a pack of 3(windsheild washer cap, P/S cap and Overflow tank cap) w/ a few diff color choices.

simota1 02-06-2013 02:02 PM

o man... you are my hero.... i definitely wanna do this.... :D

Punk86 02-06-2013 03:00 PM

Yeah, I plan on doing this sometime in the near future before all the car shows this year get into full swing. Thanks O&G!

Kingbaby 02-14-2013 07:30 PM

cutting is just the scariest part! I did a partial tuck/reroute...haven't gotten the balls to unwrap and cut!

props and well done

Rid3_FaM0uS 03-21-2014 01:17 AM

O&G! Sim! Do either of you have anymore pics from your tucks?? This thread is a little vauge for my liking. I'm looking to do a full blown tuck and/or as best of one I can get after I started installing my stage 2 CJM system and got to realizing how ugly the injector harness looked without clips to "neaten" things up. For the time being I've been following a decent one from the 350z community but I prefer to be relating to similar things if you get what I'm saying. With my tune on the 11th and currently working 7/12s I just hope I'm not going in off the deep end here.

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