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simota1 06-16-2009 09:21 PM

DIY: of complete FOG LAMP install


All right everyone!!! all you guys are gonna love me for this... b4 i start off i would like to just say that installing the fog was much easier than i thought... so ill walk all of you through it ALL alright..... here we go....



Step 1 installing the lamp

Look underneath your rear bumper you will see one pop out fastener.... it looks like this...

Stick your flat head screwdriver and pop it out... looks like this...

Now..... simply wiggle it out... mine was a little stuck for some odd reason... DONT FORCE it out k!?!? just keep wiggling it with your fingers till it comes out...

Now look up right in front of your exhaust barrel there will be a plate.... looks like this..

sorry the pic is kinda blurry and dark i was putting on the fog lamp at night...
there will be 3 pop out fasteners on the black plate... Pop them off like you did with the first fastener and slide out the plate....
The plate looks like this.....

Now the plate is out you have so much free space now... Now you unbolt the two number 10 nuts.... PLEASE NOTE... my block off plate one of the nuts stud spun so i couldnt take out the nut.... i spend and extra hour trying to break off the nutt... So please dont just force the nut loose.... there is so much loctite on it will spin the stud on the plastic piece of the block off plate.... do it slowly... please.... Now that you have the two nuts off.... slide forward the block off plate...

it looks like this... now take your fog and install it where you took out the block plate and bolt it down...and put back the fasteners and everything.... there you have it.... its installed....


Step 2 Removing the inside panels...

Open your hatch and look for the cover plates near your taillights... pop them off like on the pics... just use your fingers you dont need any tools for this...

Next remove the molding just pull it in a upward motion

Ok i know the next pic is dark but pull the molding all the way up to where u see where the panels end because the panels have to come off to get to your taillight harness......

Now remove your cargo mats... in the back PLEASE NOTE you do not have to remove your spare tire or misc tools when you pull out your panels....

Now to take out your interior panels.... start with the center pop out the tie down hooks like this...

pop out your cargo light look for a slot in the left side its enough space to stick a flat head in and pop it out... unplug... now there is no more things holding down your panel pull it from the bottom first and in a upward motion....
you have to pull upward because you will break the fasteners if you dont....

Once you take out the center panel... start taking out the side panels... pop out the fasteners holding it down...

once all the fasteners are out start from the front and of the side panel pull forward and upward again....

now you have full access to the taillight harness...

Unbolt the two size ten nuts on top then the 5/16 nut on the inner side of the taillight...
thats the picture of the nut on the inner side of the taillights... once you have taken out all the nuts slide FORWARD the taillight... dont pull it upward or anything jus forward... you might damage the clips if you pull it upward...

once you pull it forward un clip the taillight from the harness... if you have trouble with the un clipping the harness get a flat head push down on the tab and push outward...


Now at this point your ready to wire up the foglamp.... for this step.... you can wire it straight meaning when u want it to on its on... if you want to do it this way here is how to do it....

the most simple way is to tap the hot wire on your license plate frame.... the red colored wire is the one to tap....

crimp another wire to it and lead it to your fog lamp... and crimp it to the red wire of your fog lamp..

MAKE SURE your wires are far far from your exhaust if its to close when you hit a bump it will stick cuz the rubber around the wire will stick on your exhaust then it will ground which will lead to you popping a fuse or shorting out the line... both you dont wanna do... now for the black wire of foglamp just ground it on the chassis anywhere will do fine...

and voila your finished your fog lamp will turn on when you turn on your parking lamps...

NOW if you want a little more pezaz... the way I hooked up my foglamp is as follows...

does everyone remember the F1 blinking thread? so i borrowed the idea lol.... if you wanna hook your foglamp like this.... you need a flasher and a five wire relay 30/40

i connected the ground of my fog to relay and flasher....

SORRY FOR NOT being specific with wiring the relay... the reason is because there is so many different kinds and the wires are not always the same color...ground your relay and wire the relay so that when it gets a signal it cuts off the ground of the foglamp... to get a signal from your reverse tap the orange middle wire in the harness... of your taillights... lead it to the signal wire of your relay
Here you can see the outcome after i tapped the orange wire...

FINALLY Now for the red wire of the fog lamp wire the same way i mentioned earlier just tap the parking lights wire....

The outcome.... when your parking lights are turned on... the foglamp turns on.... now the minute you pop it in reverse.... the foglamp will start flashing acting like a warning light... then when you pop it out of reverse it remains on... BADASS right? i only spent like 30 bucks for the flasher relay crimps and wires....

PLEASE NOTE the foglamp will not flash in reverse when your parking lights are off reason why is.... the power source is from the parking lights not your reverse light... the reverse light wire is just a signal wire....

Notes..... the reason why i wired my foglamp to work only at night because it was EASIER lol i was to lazy to lead wires all the way to the front but if you want your fog lamp always on right when you turn on your car jus tap the red wire on the foglamp to a acc wire on the z.... this way it will blink all the time your in reverse.... IF you want a switch to turn it off when you lead the acc wire to the fog wire it up to a switch that cuts the circuit off when you press it a stationary push button or toggle switch will do fine....

SO good luck to all of you... and work safe on your cars...

spearfish25 06-16-2009 09:39 PM

mmmmm, nice of you to put together, but the challenge is not installing the fog light. It's WIRING the fog light appropriately to a usable switch.

That being said, is your new fog light wired and working or just filling the space that the OEM filler was fililng? (that's a lot of filling)

AJChubbs 06-16-2009 10:15 PM

Don't rush the man he's on his lunch break!

Good luck, keep us posted. I'm wondering if I'll be man enough to do this myself after your instructions or just go to the dealership....

simota1 06-17-2009 02:31 AM

Sorry you saw my DIY when it wasnt finished ... i got hungry while writing it LMAO.... my foglamp is fully functional when the parking lamps are on and blinks when i put it in reverse... :tup:


Originally Posted by spearfish25 (Post 92790)
mmmmm, nice of you to put together, but the challenge is not installing the fog light. It's WIRING the fog light appropriately to a usable switch.

That being said, is your new fog light wired and working or just filling the space that the OEM filler was fililng? (that's a lot of filling)

simota1 06-17-2009 02:32 AM

LOL now i got a good lunch i finished the thread... dont worry chubbs wiring the foglamp is pretty easy nothing to fancy.... im sure you can do it.. :tup:


Originally Posted by AJChubbs (Post 92853)
Don't rush the man he's on his lunch break!

Good luck, keep us posted. I'm wondering if I'll be man enough to do this myself after your instructions or just go to the dealership....

Minicobra1 06-17-2009 03:52 AM

Thanks for taking the time to post up the DIY with all the pics :tup:

spearfish25 06-17-2009 05:46 AM

Great DIY...I was antsy to see the end :)

+1 Rep

VCuomo 06-17-2009 02:50 PM

So is it possible to wire it up like the factory would? I'm guessing that there's just one wiring harness they use, so there's probably a way to make it go on and off just like it was factory-installed.

simota1 06-17-2009 04:21 PM

Umm im not really sure i understand your question but here goes.... it is possible to make the fog work like the factory.... i believe on the factory the fog turns on right when you turn on the car and there is a seperate switch if you wish to turn it off... as for the harness... you dont really need one because the wiring is only a two wire set up not like a complicated one where there are like ten wires going into it.... so if you wanted it to work like factory...ground the black wire to the chasis and then hook up the red to a accesory or ignition wire so right when you turn on the car it is on.... and then put a switch in between the wire so if wish to turn it of it will cut the circuit and the power of the fog.... now if u wire it up this way it is more work because you have to lead wires to the front of the z and then find a place for the switch... but its definetely possible.... :tup:


Originally Posted by VCuomo (Post 93329)
So is it possible to wire it up like the factory would? I'm guessing that there's just one wiring harness they use, so there's probably a way to make it go on and off just like it was factory-installed.

CBRich 06-17-2009 06:10 PM

If you only wanted it to flash with reverse then you would just need the timer and have the power come from the reverse lights, is that correct? No relay needed?

simota1 06-18-2009 04:41 AM

Yes correct.... no relay needed... but it would be off the whole time and only light up in reverse...


Originally Posted by CBRich (Post 93469)
If you only wanted it to flash with reverse then you would just need the timer and have the power come from the reverse lights, is that correct? No relay needed?

VCuomo 06-18-2009 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by simota1 (Post 93401)
Umm im not really sure i understand your question but here goes.... it is possible to make the fog work like the factory.... i believe on the factory the fog turns on right when you turn on the car and there is a seperate switch if you wish to turn it off... as for the harness... you dont really need one because the wiring is only a two wire set up not like a complicated one where there are like ten wires going into it.... so if you wanted it to work like factory...ground the black wire to the chasis and then hook up the red to a accesory or ignition wire so right when you turn on the car it is on.... and then put a switch in between the wire so if wish to turn it of it will cut the circuit and the power of the fog.... now if u wire it up this way it is more work because you have to lead wires to the front of the z and then find a place for the switch... but its definetely possible.... :tup:

What I meant was that according to the Owner's Manual, to turn on the fog lamp (if so equipped) you turn the light switch to headlights on, then turn it to parking lights on, and then it appears that you turn it back to headlights on. To turn the fog lamp off off, you turn the headlights off. The main thing is that the fog lamp is not on whenever the headlights are on (you have to do the funky thing with the headlight switch). Is this how your fog lamp is turned on?

simota1 06-18-2009 10:13 PM

O ok now i understand.... sorry... no mine just turns on when i turn on the parking lights... even when my headlights are off my fog light is on... only when you switch off the parking lights the fog turns off.... i hope this was the answer helps you out...


Originally Posted by VCuomo (Post 94080)
What I meant was that according to the Owner's Manual, to turn on the fog lamp (if so equipped) you turn the light switch to headlights on, then turn it to parking lights on, and then it appears that you turn it back to headlights on. To turn the fog lamp off off, you turn the headlights off. The main thing is that the fog lamp is not on whenever the headlights are on (you have to do the funky thing with the headlight switch). Is this how your fog lamp is turned on?

ConchZ2 06-24-2009 07:43 PM

What's the Nissan fog light part number?

ZKindaGuy 06-24-2009 09:41 PM

Alot a work for just a fog-light. I thought that would be a great place for a rear view camera instead of a fog light.

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