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kenchan 03-05-2012 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by kevr6 (Post 1583243)
I work for Audi and the suppliers (outside manufacturers) are not directly responsible to the end user. It is the Car Manufacturer that needs to establish an open campaign!! The supplier would have deal with Nissan only to get an updated part or separate solution established!

yah, but that's not wat i meant... and believe me, i am in the oem business myself so i know how things work in these manufacturing industries including automotive. i agree nissan is our gateway to getting our cars fixed, no arguments there.

some folks here are stating that this problem is all nissan's fault. in the big picture nissan is also a victim since they trusted the supplier to do a good job when they sourced them. the supplier did not follow through with their promises. their product is unreliable to the point nissan disqualified them from their car.

i bet if nissan did another recall this supplier could belly up and that might cause even more havoc on other nissan vehicle lineup as side effect.....the natural disaster one year ago was a terrifying time for suppliers too... i am sure there were many PO's cancelled and the supplier worked together with nissan to get through the tough time. these things influence many tough decisions too.

that's how i look at it. :hello:

kenchan 03-05-2012 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by jbenington86 (Post 1583338)
If the design is ultimately flawed then it would be on nissan. Supplier was just following orders as per request from the customer (nissan). I have worked for a car manufacturer supplier. Requests come in then parts are mocked made from original designs. Supplier makes the parts and 100% are inspected at every part of production. Then shipped to, in this case, Nissan. Nissan would then inspect XX per XXXX parts. Basically tear them apart to ensure proper quality is met. Oddly enough I helped manufacture steering column parts for numerous car companies. Also made other parts for all type of vehicle makes such as BMW, Porsche, Audi, you name it I very well could have made a part for any vehicle made in mid 2000s.

It should be investigated especially since Nissan removed this part on the 2012 370s because they couldn't figure out how to fix it. I think that is more of a sign that they knew there was a problem they couldn't fix with a new revision so they got rid of it to try and bury the issue. If the part is also on back order at many dealers that is also saying something.

i think you need to relax a little. my DIY's been up since Dec. while i would never force anyone to do the work him/herself, it was your decision to pay the full repair amount and tow if nissan does not fix the problem at goodwill.

my diy is a way someone can prepare for the worst, or fix the problem before it happens. it was not made for someone to vent or me explaining what nissan might be thinking. i dont know exactly what nissan is thinking, but i do know that my diy will fix your problem if it is the faulty steering lock.

/this discussion.

jbenington86 03-06-2012 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 1583392)
i think you need to relax a little. my DIY's been up since Dec. while i would never force anyone to do the work him/herself, it was your decision to pay the full repair amount and tow if nissan does not fix the problem at goodwill.

my diy is a way someone can prepare for the worst, or fix the problem before it happens. it was not made for someone to vent or me explaining what nissan might be thinking. i dont know exactly what nissan is thinking, but i do know that my diy will fix your problem if it is the faulty steering lock.

/this discussion.

Yes, your DIY might have been up since Dec.... but I bet the first thought in every Z owners mind is one day I am going to walk out to my car and it's not going to start due to a steering lock assembly.... as for getting the car towed what other choice would I have when I am away from home and have no idea what is wrong? Oh I will just let it just sit here and I will think of something later.... No that's dumb leaving your car in an unattended parking lot away from your home. Technically I could walk to the dealer right now ask them for the part take the 15min to slap that bad boy in and just pay for a tow.

Your DIY and any need for it has just shown that Nissan has failed us in more ways than one. There shouldn't even be a need for a DIY of this nature on any vehicle. Safety and Security are usually top priority for any vehicle manufacturer and since mine left the steering unlocked away from home it not only put my car at risk but also myself.

happytheman 03-06-2012 06:51 AM

Ummmmmm. :wtf2:

How did a DIY that was intended to help fellow community members out in a bind become a rant thread?! Open another thread and rant, so it can get closed by the mods...leaving this thread open for input regarding the emergency replacement of a known bad part.

C'mon guys, "can't we all just get along"?

ZCarMan 03-08-2012 06:16 PM

I ordered my new steering lock unit on the 5th from Courtesy and it arrived this afternoon. It'll be going on this weekend. I received the D version as requested. Thanks for the DIY on this!

kenchan 03-08-2012 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by ZCarMan (Post 1588845)
I ordered my new steering lock unit on the 5th from Courtesy and it arrived this afternoon. It'll be going on this weekend. I received the D version as requested. Thanks for the DIY on this!

cool! :tup: np. :) this is the kind of post i like to see.

370Z JT 03-10-2012 01:54 PM

Contemplating on buying the D version also. Only have 14,000 miles on the odometer though.

ZMan8 03-10-2012 02:00 PM

so is D version a sure bet?

kevr6 03-10-2012 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by ZMan8 (Post 1591845)
so is D version a sure bet?

So far no problems with the "D" version. It's a pinch louder then the original one though.

GaleForce 03-10-2012 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by ZMan8 (Post 1591845)
so is D version a sure bet?

Not entirely a sure bet yet. They are probably too new to show the problem, however Nissan was replacing the GTR's steering lock with Rev D for the recall. So they should be good to go.

No recall for the 370z yet.

symple84 03-10-2012 05:22 PM

I fell victim of the steering lock problem, car was towed to the dealer....

MJB 03-10-2012 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by symple84 (Post 1592201)
I fell victim of the steering lock problem, car was towed to the dealer....

Wow, a 2011 huh? So I'm assuming you must have either C or D. Anyway you can check the number on the lock?

symple84 03-10-2012 05:31 PM

I already left the car but I will know more tomm, whats weird is that I was getting my audio installed at a dealer but the steering wheel is locked and non of the key fobs will unlock it.

ZCarMan 03-13-2012 05:47 PM

My D version of the steering lock unit is now installed and working fine. I have retained the original as it was still working as a backup.

370zproject 03-13-2012 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by ZCarMan (Post 1597469)
My D version of the steering lock unit is now installed and working fine. I have retained the original as it was still working as a backup.


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