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Jagstang 08-26-2013 03:17 PM

Help needed to identify cause of paint damage
2 Attachment(s)

Hope this post is suitable for this section.

I could use some advice regarding paint damage to my 370z.

I woke up on Sat morning to find my car with a strip on light yellow/white residue over the roof, down the back window and on the edge of the rear spoiler. I initially assumed a bird had targeted the car (albeit in a pretty extreme manner!) and went direct to the car wash to clean it up.

The guy at the car wash pointed out damage to the spoiler, it appears to have melted (photo attached) where the substance contacted it. I had great difficulty removing it from the paintwork.. But other than some subtle discolouration there is no lasting damage.

My feeling now is that someone has thrown brake fluid on the car. I can't imagine a bird could possibly do this damage. You can see the plastic on the spoiler has melted.

The car was secure in my back yard behind a 7 foot fence so I find it hard to believe that it's vandalism. It would require someone very committed to get at the car. Does anyone recognise this damage?

Inevitably it'll need the spoiler resprayed which is a pain but Id like to know how this has happened...

Advice appreciated.

Attachment 75436

1st 08-26-2013 03:32 PM

The only thing that comes to mind is a worm. I have noticed that worms when washed up after the rain leave a similar mark on the sidewalk when dried up.

dP3NGU1N 08-26-2013 03:49 PM

^Lol I find it highly improbable for a worm to do that kind of damage.

Sorry OP, I'm really not sure what could have done that. Good luck.

Meulen 08-26-2013 04:00 PM

I've seen birds do some pretty nasty things like that to paint. Who know's what the thing ate or got into. Some of the birds by me stain the paint before I can get home and get it off the car. Especially, with white, it can be more noticeable.

SouthArk370Z 08-26-2013 04:21 PM

Are there any trees or bushes hanging over or near the car? Hard to tell from the pic but it looks like a dead caterpillar to me. Some produce silk (or similar) and can land several feet from where they leave the tree.

Jagstang 08-26-2013 05:01 PM

There are no over hanging trees. The mark on the spoiler is now a rolled edge where the plastic has reacted. It's about 2 inches across.

If it was a bird I don't ever want to leave the car outside again!

Seems to be a solvent of some kind as it hasn't damaged the paint significantly but has caused the plastic spoiler to soften and distort.

Awful thing to wake up to on a Saturday morning.

cheshirecat 08-26-2013 06:21 PM

My vote is for a wild animal puking on the car. The stomach acids did the work.

Animal crap could be a possibility also but I haven't seen it cause that kind of paint damage in such a short time.

Do you have a pic of the roof?

2004YZFR1 08-26-2013 08:22 PM

Could it have been burnt by some type of fire work? thats what it looks like from that pic. Post up the roof shot to if you can.

SouthArk370Z 08-26-2013 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by cheshirecat (Post 2462393)
My vote is for a wild animal puking on the car. The stomach acids did the work. ... Do you have a pic of the roof?


Originally Posted by 2004YZFR1 (Post 2462501)
Could it have been burnt by some type of fire work? thats what it looks like from that pic. Post up the roof shot to if you can.

I think animal puke is more likely than fireworks but, at this point, both seem plausible. Yes, more pics and closer shots might help.

Edit: Your best bet may be to take it to a local body/paint shop and get their opinion.

Zbrah 08-26-2013 10:01 PM

That looks like some major acid burnt from whatever it was man. My theory is you gave Kal El a wrong look and he spits a loogie at your car. I suggest look into some Kryptonian car wax :p

But seriously, I've seen painted oem spoiler on eBay for $135 shipped :tup:

Ubetit 08-27-2013 09:06 AM

Looks organic in nature. Brake fluid damage doesn't look like that

Jagstang 08-27-2013 03:34 PM

Thanks for the help all...

Someone suggested paint thinners may be responsible (white spirits). This would certainly melt the plastic and cause the pain to lift.

It's possible that its organic and just been some freak occurrence... I hope it is really, that's less worrying than someone maliciously causing the damage.

I think a car cover is the next step... After the body shop. Maybe just been unlucky.

SouthArk370Z 08-27-2013 04:39 PM

Let us know what you find out. My curiosity is piqued.

vividracing 08-27-2013 06:24 PM

looks like a burn from here, I would second the fireworks idea. Roman candle skimming across your car and resting on the spoiler while it died.

Jagstang 08-28-2013 08:40 AM

I couldn't find any evidence to suggest a firework had come down on it. The damage looked very much chemical. Definitely some kind of liquid as I had to get it off the car.

But.. I hadn't noticed the damage at that stage or else I would have photographed it first.

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