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14BlackCherry 06-27-2014 09:04 PM

SPL Front End link Problem
Hey guys,

So after having my SPL end links on with my Eibach sway bar they've started to make a lot of clunking noise on uneven ground and when turning. I researched a lot of threads, but didn't find anything really to help. I've completed 9 autocross runs on these end links. When I first installed them/adjusted them they were silent no noise. As of last night they began making noise, loud at times.

So today I re-torqued the lower shock bolt to 120 ft/lbs like the manual calls for, and 62 ft/lbs on the connection from end link to sway bar on both sides. I then torqued the top hat 22 ft/lbs and the nut on the top of the shock 44 ft/lbs. All are at spec still noise is heard.

When I first got the end links I noticed that the ball joint was really stiff and kind of hard to move. I think it may have more play now and that's why it's making more noise. Any others have any issues like this?

Thanks for the help.

14BlackCherry 06-29-2014 07:39 PM

I know I haven't got any responds so hopefully these pics will help. Are these under pre-load?

Any reason from these pic why the end links are clunking?

Thank you for any help.

Rusty 06-29-2014 07:48 PM

Take a pry bar and move the end of the sway bar. Watch the links to see if there is any movement in them.

Mitco39 06-29-2014 09:02 PM

I am having the exact same issue. I actually made a post about this awhile back. Its driving me crazy but I dont think the stock endlinks are strong enough to handle the upgraded sway so I haven't put the stock ones back on.

synolimit 06-29-2014 09:34 PM

Lube your bushings. See if it helps. Also make sure everything was tightened with the car fully on the ground.

14BlackCherry 06-30-2014 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 2878788)
Take a pry bar and move the end of the sway bar. Watch the links to see if there is any movement in them.

I can try, I'll need to put the car on ramps.


Originally Posted by Mitco39 (Post 2878845)
I am having the exact same issue. I actually made a post about this awhile back. Its driving me crazy but I dont think the stock endlinks are strong enough to handle the upgraded sway so I haven't put the stock ones back on.

See and it only happened just recently. During the autocross events and even the drive back there were no issues. I initially torqued everything with the car on the ground FYI. One of my buddies was thinking because there are no rubber bushings that it might be making that noise. So your saying it's the actual nut that connects the bar to the link? I'll have to tighten that one more. I noticed that SPL doesn't want you to torque it as high as the service manual calls for.


Originally Posted by synolimit (Post 2878864)
Lube your bushings. See if it helps. Also make sure everything was tightened with the car fully on the ground.

Thanks will give it a shot.

Boss_302 06-30-2014 06:31 AM

The stiffness in the you experienced in the new bearing is normal, or else they wouldn't be new.
Make sure the mounting studs are centered in the bearing so you don't bind because of lack of movement, From the photos they look a little off. Also if the aftermarket sway bar has urethane bushing they will make noise from either the lubricant drying out and or heat expansion from heavy use.

14BlackCherry 07-01-2014 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Boss_302 (Post 2879064)
The stiffness in the you experienced in the new bearing is normal, or else they wouldn't be new.
Make sure the mounting studs are centered in the bearing so you don't bind because of lack of movement, From the photos they look a little off. Also if the aftermarket sway bar has urethane bushing they will make noise from either the lubricant drying out and or heat expansion from heavy use.

Thanks for the response I can see where the endlinks aren't centered in the picture. Tomorrow I'm going to readjust and probably get a lock nut for the swaybar nut.

I also noticed tonight that the clunking is inconsistent. It made noise tonight then at other times it made no noise. Really weird.

14BlackCherry 07-01-2014 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by synolimit (Post 2878864)
Lube your bushings. See if it helps. Also make sure everything was tightened with the car fully on the ground.

Alright guys quick update the problem is fixed. I sent these pictures to Pat at SPL. He stated that the articulation looked fine no issues. So he asked to lube the bushings and tighten the nut holding the swaybar to the link. So I lube the bushings with some Teflon lubrication, and torqued the bottom nut to make sure it was 62lbs per service manual. I also re-torqued the swaybar brackets for good measure. Everything works now no noise. I have some more autocross events so we'll see if the nuts loosen.

Rusty 07-01-2014 04:59 PM

Good deal. :tup: When I got my Hotckis sway bars. I got their silcone chassis lube too. I use this stuff on my bushings. ;)

Mitco39 07-01-2014 08:34 PM

It could very much be the actual clamps on the sway making this sound. I dont have that silicone cassis lube but ill lube it up and see if my noise goes away.

Let me know how you make out.

Wonka2581 07-01-2014 08:52 PM


rlhotka 07-01-2014 09:02 PM

Would the heavy duty SPL sway bar brackets make any difference?

Rusty 07-12-2014 11:58 PM

Got caugh in the rain the other day. After things dried out. Had a noise coming from the links. Sprayed some oil on the links, and the noise is gone. Thinking now with the way they are designed. Going to have to keep them lubed.

14BlackCherry 07-26-2014 12:23 AM

7/25/14: Alright so just another quick update to this response: (Alright guys quick update the problem is fixed. I sent these pictures to Pat at SPL. He stated that the articulation looked fine no issues. So he asked to lube the bushings and tighten the nut holding the swaybar to the link. So I lube the bushings with some Teflon lubrication, and torqued the bottom nut to make sure it was 62lbs per service manual. I also re-torqued the swaybar brackets for good measure. Everything works now no noise. I have some more autocross events so we'll see if the nuts loosen.)

So two days after this post the noise came back. This time I decided to go buy some locking nuts from Lowes. I changed them out and no noise for over a month now. When I removed the nuts that came with the endlinks I could see threads that looked like they were messed up.

The locking nuts I bought from Lowes are $0.90 cents and are working beautifully. I have an AutoX event this Sunday so we'll see what happens.

Mitco39 07-26-2014 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by 14BlackCherry (Post 2908849)
7/25/14: Alright so just another quick update to this response: (Alright guys quick update the problem is fixed. I sent these pictures to Pat at SPL. He stated that the articulation looked fine no issues. So he asked to lube the bushings and tighten the nut holding the swaybar to the link. So I lube the bushings with some Teflon lubrication, and torqued the bottom nut to make sure it was 62lbs per service manual. I also re-torqued the swaybar brackets for good measure. Everything works now no noise. I have some more autocross events so we'll see if the nuts loosen.)

So two days after this post the noise came back. This time I decided to go buy some locking nuts from Lowes. I changed them out and no noise for over a month now. When I removed the nuts that came with the endlinks I could see threads that looked like they were messed up.

The locking nuts I bought from Lowes are $0.90 cents and are working beautifully. I have an AutoX event this Sunday so we'll see what happens.

Awesome glad to hear because when I tighten mine its good for a day or so but then it comes back. I will go buy some locking nuts and do as you did.

Thanks for doing the digging on this.

14BlackCherry 07-26-2014 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Mitco39 (Post 2909118)
Awesome glad to hear because when I tighten mine its good for a day or so but then it comes back. I will go buy some locking nuts and do as you did.

Thanks for doing the digging on this.

Yea not a problem. Just glad they're working. I have an autox event tomorrow so we'll see how they do.

14BlackCherry 02-06-2015 05:52 AM

Just a quick update:

My SPL end-links are not making any noise to date. That's after finishing the summer season locally and nationals. So if your end links make noise check the locking nuts and make sure to keep the links lubed properly w/lithium grease.

boosted180 02-07-2015 02:08 PM

Thanks for your post. I have the exact same problem (with the noise), but I don't think my nuts are loose. But I'll check again to make sure.

Do you happen to have the specs (or part number) on the lock-nuts?

boosted180 02-13-2015 11:29 AM

Problem fixed! I just greased the endlink bolts, then tightened them down really good and that was enough for the noise to go away completely. Finally - after almost 2 years of that annoying noise! Thanks for the post!

kenchan 02-13-2015 11:56 AM

dang, i dont think i could stand even a few min of rattling if that was on my Z.... would u-turn back into my garage and fixed it right then.

boosted180 02-13-2015 06:44 PM

Believe me, it bothered me so much that I hardly even drove the car the past 2 years and stopped doing track days. I took it to 4 different mechanics and no one could figure it out. They all torqued everything to spec, but the problem is that for this particular sway bar/ endlink, spec is NOT enough, apparently. After lubing it, I tightened it as tight as I could and it fixed the problem. It was not loose before, just not SUPER TIGHT. And I guess it needed to be super tight to prevent the clunking.

14BlackCherry 02-05-2016 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by boosted180 (Post 3111387)
Believe me, it bothered me so much that I hardly even drove the car the past 2 years and stopped doing track days. I took it to 4 different mechanics and no one could figure it out. They all torqued everything to spec, but the problem is that for this particular sway bar/ endlink, spec is NOT enough, apparently. After lubing it, I tightened it as tight as I could and it fixed the problem. It was not loose before, just not SUPER TIGHT. And I guess it needed to be super tight to prevent the clunking.

What lubricant did you use and did you use the torque spec from SPL? I'll make a video capturing the noise and see if it's the same issue I'm experiencing again.

Justint5387 03-19-2018 09:38 AM

Do you guys know the thread pitch you need for the locking nut?

Justint5387 03-20-2018 02:43 PM

I bought one at Lowe's yesterday, the thread pitch is 1/2-13

Spooler 03-23-2018 01:29 PM

Mine rattle too. I am going to try the Lithium grease this weekend when I do my oil change.

Rusty 03-23-2018 02:48 PM

This last go around of maintenance. I found both of the nuts backed off alittle and the bolt was loose. Causing my rattle. I cranked down on the nuts this time.

Spooler 03-23-2018 03:39 PM

I did that last time.

Loges 04-17-2018 03:37 PM

I recently installed SPL front end links with Eibach sway bars and it appears that the end link kit has changed slightly over time while the instructions have not. Here is the list of issues that I ran into and their solutions. Hopefully this helps somebody with the install in the future.

1) The torque values listed in the SPL install instructions are VERY low compared to what the FSM calls out (50ft-lbs VS 120ft-lbs :ugh:). Upon searching the forum I found this thread:
It explains that the instructions were written using 350Z torque specs. OP called SPL and they confirmed that the 370Z FSM torque specs are ok to use. For reference here is a screen shot from the FSM with torque specs :

2) The fastener/component order for the spacers and washers in the assembly view in the SPL instructions aren't in the correct order.

I emailed SPL and they confirmed the order to be as follows:

3) Sway bar hex nuts loosening over time: I haven't experienced this issue myself but if you look around on the forum a lot of people have. I think SPL modified their kit recently to address this issue though. If you look at the part description for item number 6 it calls out that it's an oval lock flange nut instead of a standard nut. So, if you have a newer kit you may not need to buy locking hex nuts like others have had to. But obviously if the clunking starts then this would be the first place I would start.

Hope this helps guys!

Hotrodz 04-17-2018 10:27 PM

Thanks for the update as this is very timely for me as I am replacing my old spl endlinks in the next week. You have been reped!

Loges 04-17-2018 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Hotrodz (Post 3748208)
Thanks for the update as this is very timely for me as I am replacing my old spl endlinks in the next week. You have been reped!

Thanks! :tiphat:

B&W_Evader 04-18-2018 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Mitco39 (Post 2878845)
I am having the exact same issue. I actually made a post about this awhile back. Its driving me crazy but I dont think the stock endlinks are strong enough to handle the upgraded sway so I haven't put the stock ones back on.

Been running the stock end-links on my eibach sways for 6 years, no issue. Fronts squeak now and then but I just need to get in there and put some fresh grease on the bushings.

Elmo370z 08-03-2018 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by 14BlackCherry (Post 2878782)
I know I haven't got any responds so hopefully these pics will help. Are these under pre-load?

Any reason from these pic why the end links are clunking?

Thank you for any help.

HOw did you get your end links to align.

jchammond 08-03-2018 04:01 AM

Looking at the pictures; doesn’t seem the upper heim joints have room to work vs. the lower ends.
Yes a quality locknut w/proper thread pitch helps.
Have equal amounts of room in the heim’s to swivel a bit as needed without binding.
Sometimes a small spacer is required to allow more movement.

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