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simota1 04-03-2013 04:34 AM

how to bleed powersteering.....
hey guys i was wondering how the heck do i get the air outa my powersteering :( i changed out my reservior and now i got air in my lines... :shakes head: do i have to bleed it? or will it get worked out as i use my car more often...? the weird thing is... when i drive her cold no sound.... then when she gets like 180 degrees.. she whines just a bit..... it irritates me because i know that that was not there before this... ive heard that you just jack the front... and turn side to side to the stops until you get the foam out..... i know there is air in my system because when i turn off my system... i see tiny lil bubbles in my sight glass for my reservior

simota1 04-03-2013 04:45 AM

o and if helps i just put regular STP power steering in the reservoir... not a whole lot... but about half a bottle of the small size was that a no no?

Chuck33079 04-03-2013 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by simota1 (Post 2248489)
ive heard that you just jack the front... and turn side to side to the stops until you get the foam out

This is always how I've done it. Put the front on jack stands and slowly turn the wheel lock to lock. Add fluid if necessary, repeat. It takes a while if you've got a lot of air in the system. I don't have my manual handy, does the Z use PS fluid or ATF? I know Redline makes a good PS fluid.

sig11 04-03-2013 09:33 AM

350Z/370Z both use DEXRON VI ATF in the power steering systems.

From the FSM:

If air bleeding is not complete, the following symptoms can be observed.
• Bubbles are created in reservoir tank.
• Clicking noise can be heard from oil pump. • Excessive buzzing in the oil pump.
Fluid noise may occur in the steering gear or oil pump. This does not affect performance or durability of the system.

1. Turn steering wheel several times from full left stop to full right stop with engine off.
Fill reservoir tank with a sufficient amount of fluid so that fluid level is not below the MIN line while turning steering wheel.
2. Start the engine and hold steering wheel at each lock position for 3 second at idle to check for fluid leak- age.
3. Repeat step 2 above several times at approximately 3 second intervals.
Never hold the steering wheel in a locked position for more than 10 seconds. (There is the possi- bility that oil pump may be damaged.)
4. Check fluid for bubbles and white contamination.
5. Stop the engine if bubbles and white contamination do not drain out. Perform step 2 and 3 above after waiting until bubbles and white contamination drain out.
6. Stop the engine, and then check fluid level.
It can be a pain in the ***. I overflowed my reservoir twice after replacing the high pressure line and pump on my 350Z. I use RedLine D6 ATF in the race car 350Z and in my 370Z.

simota1 04-03-2013 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Chuck33079 (Post 2248592)
This is always how I've done it. Put the front on jack stands and slowly turn the wheel lock to lock. Add fluid if necessary, repeat. It takes a while if you've got a lot of air in the system. I don't have my manual handy, does the Z use PS fluid or ATF? I know Redline makes a good PS fluid.

do i hold it at the locks? or no?

03g35coupe6mt 04-03-2013 03:44 PM

no dont hold it there. just all the way right and all the way left and keep doing it for a while

Chuck33079 04-03-2013 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by simota1 (Post 2249488)
do i hold it at the locks? or no?

Just for a second. Too long and you'll burn up the pump. Since you put PS fluid in instead of ATF, I'd empty the reservoir and start over with the ATF.

simota1 04-03-2013 03:48 PM

ok kool...

thank chuck....

i actually tried bleeding it but my friend left out the part i had to jack up the front of the car... he told me to hold it for 3 secs i did it 10 times do you think i messed up the pump :(

sig11 04-03-2013 03:49 PM

Follow the instructions I posted. They're from the FSM. :)

Your pump will be fine. No worries.

Chuck33079 04-03-2013 03:50 PM

I doubt you did any damage. A few seconds won't kill it.

simota1 04-03-2013 03:58 PM

repped both of you :D

GaleForce 04-03-2013 04:47 PM

Someone should make this a DIY to add to the tech section.

MJB 04-03-2013 05:41 PM

Hey simota1, might be a stupid question but did you completely flush out all the old PS fluid or did you just empty the reservoir and refill?

simota1 04-04-2013 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by MJB (Post 2249685)
Hey simota1, might be a stupid question but did you completely flush out all the old PS fluid or did you just empty the reservoir and refill?

emptied out the reservior and just filled it.....

btw so i just finished bleeding my pump... fluid didnt go down much... so im thinkin there wasnt much air to begin with... the fluid level did go though... about 1/4 of an inch on my canister... ill empty it out again and refill with some valvoline dextron VI.... just for good measure... i hope it doesnt make that noise anymore... just to make sure i did it left to right stop... with engine off like 15 times and then with the engine on 8 times holding it 1 sec on the stops and then 3 sec intervals with the stops again... i just hope it dont make that noise anymore... it really bothers me since i know it didnt do it before

simota1 04-04-2013 04:58 AM

you guys think itll still make noise? :( and did i do it right? lol

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