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sig11 09-27-2011 03:22 PM

Shimmy in high speed corners
I first noticed this odd behavior at Mid-Ohio last month. At the Kink (back straight has a slight right hand kink) I started to feel the car make a slight shimmy but generally feel stable there and anywhere else on the track. It only felt really odd in the rain.

Lately I've started to notice it on right hand highway curves and it's got me worried. It's sort-of like the front wheels wobble in short bursts. Could it be the control arms?

I'm going to take a trip to the dealer and see what they say since I still have ~2,500 miles of my warranty left but I wondered if anyone else had experienced a similar problem that might help me diagnose it.

Suspension is stock aside from Hotchkis swaybars, whiteline rear endlinks, and SPL camber arms in back.

corbin09 09-27-2011 03:25 PM

My car does this too. Especially over "somewhat" rough road. It almost feels like the wheels are loose on the car for a split second and then it goes away and comes back again. I guess you have to experience it. Do you think front endlinks would help? I thought it was just my alignment settings and then that my offset may have been too aggressive but now I am starting to think it is something else. Maybe bushings?

sig11 09-27-2011 03:47 PM

Yup. Small bumps do seem to make it worse. I have had plenty of miles on the car where I didn't feel the issue so I dont think it is the offset of my wheels.

I actually forgot to mention that I believed it was a problem with the front endlinks as I had broken one just before mid-Ohio. (I ran without a front bar there) After replacing the endlink the problem remained.

kenchan 09-27-2011 10:20 PM

tramlining maybe? i would check bushing, alignment, and front struts.

cossie1600 09-27-2011 10:41 PM

I would start with the alignment first. You might not have enough toe.

ChrisSlicks 09-27-2011 11:15 PM

I agree. Get it on an alignment rack, while it is up there check all the bushings for play. Dynamic toe is not a good thing.

cossie1600 09-27-2011 11:51 PM

LF/LR toe a little off maybe

sig11 10-06-2011 03:09 PM

Way bad front toe... all the bushings looked good and aside from the alignment they replaced an incorrectly sized nut that I had put on the front left ARB endlink.
toe: 1.7l -1.45r
camber: -1.6l 0.2r

I definitely still felt the problem on the way home. They think it's the tires but I'm not so sure. I'm going to throw the stock wheels/tires on and see how they feel. They have been buried in my storage shed outside for exactly a year now but there shouldn't be any serious issues with the rubber, right?

kenchan 10-06-2011 03:16 PM

yah, one year should not affect it. keep them in a cool, dry area away from sunlight when in storage. i usually keep my stack in the garage or basement, storage. for good tires i have them in those tirerack totes.

sig11 10-06-2011 03:54 PM

Hopefully they're wrong and it isn't the $1500 tires. :) They still have a lot of tread aside from where I needed more camber.

cossie1600 10-06-2011 05:02 PM

wait a sec. what are the specs again? did i see 1.8 degree in toe?

sig11 10-06-2011 05:35 PM

Yeah... that's what the alignment printout read as the initial front toe and camber...

cossie1600 10-06-2011 06:34 PM

I think they might have been screwed up. How do you have position camber? I think they didn't take the correct reading before, what is it now?

sig11 10-07-2011 09:37 AM

Final is all in spec.
camber: -.8
toe: .05 total .10

cossie1600 10-07-2011 12:30 PM

front looks fine, maybe a little bit conservative with that much toe. what about your rear toe?

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