View Poll Results: Get the 2013 Nismo with or without Bose pacakage...
With Bose
6MT-Z34, ajc1884, ampperson, BehindSpace, dkznyc, falconfixer, firulice, Fountainhead, FPenvy, ghost_ix, Grades, grandpawmoses, gt10zzz, honger, jdsto, jeepnchris, Joker_J, Leroydsouza, littlejuanito, lpnaylor, MacCool, madmike23, moore.speed, Mr&Mrs, MULDER, Need_NewName, nfcsouth02, Nissanboy, NissanGuy23, nyching30, OfficerFriend, Panzer, parry13, PW370z, Roddy1, ScottSideways, Shotta, Sly Nic, Solomatrix, SouthArk370Z, ta-kid, tazdale38, TedB370z, tiger123, Waiting, wolfesquire, zero
47 |
51.65% |
Without Bose
2011 Nismo#91, 2011_6Spd, 90 ST, azza12311, bigaudiofanat, black2011370Z, Blu Z, BrianInMN, BuckeyeZ, cautupwitdm, Corona, CoZmo, critical, DemandedAce, dotcomee, fonzo179, gcfisher, gr8-wrx, GSS138, igotcabada, jaycz, kenchan, KeVoH, MadChemist, Malm, Minhtin, Minsu, nepali, nismonster, Pelican170, Plasmite, Ronin06, ryang, sageone, Shoemanfoo, StanceZ37, Streetlife, SuperDave, Tazicon, Vorttam, WhiteLightnin, willbur06, Wonka2581, ZWig22
44 |
48.35% |
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