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OMGWTFBBQ 09-02-2009 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by polarity (Post 183585)
Looks like a great install and a fun time, although I have to say, seeing that beautiful new car all disassembled like that almost makes me cry.....all part of the process I know but wow heh..


You should have seen my neighbor's reaction. She drives a PW 350z and when she pulled up into her driveway and got out of her car, the first words that came out of her mouth were "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO YOUR CAR?" Yup. A brand new car (I don't even have plates on it yet) with most of it's interior lying on the grass. Awesome.


bigaudiofanat 09-02-2009 09:02 PM

^^ LMAO dued I remember that it was so darn funny. You should of seen Derek squirm as I POPPED the panels off.

IHas370Z? 09-02-2009 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 183929)
You should of seen Derek squirm as I POPPED the panels off.

Gunna be me in a couple weeks LMAO... prolly worse.

bigaudiofanat 09-02-2009 10:05 PM

Yes I look forward to doing yours!

bigaudiofanat 09-09-2009 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by dainedazz (Post 160650)
wow that looks nice!
i'm sure he was 1 VERY SATISFIED customer ;)

thats gonna be me in the future with Matt with my 2 10" RF's!
cant wait to have you work with my babe in the near future ;)

props +1


Originally Posted by cdawg410 (Post 160983)
Dudes got skillz no doubt, I look forward to gettin you down to N. VA to hook me up.


Originally Posted by Plasmaball (Post 161261)
thats like exactly what i want mine to look like. Minus the headunit and amp location


Originally Posted by AK370Z (Post 161914)
Looks great, MAtt! VEry nice. As the temparature goes down a little (currently averaging 95-105 degrees here), I think I will start looking for a good set of speakers.


Originally Posted by IHas370Z? (Post 183987)
Gunna be me in a couple weeks LMAO... prolly worse.

Sounds good guys, I have been bored for some time now and need to work on some more cars. Just let me know:tup:

BTW AK, the temp is going down lol

bigaudiofanat 09-11-2009 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by 2theextreme (Post 160307)
Nice! Now we just need a sound clip! :p

Still waiting for that myself. Waiting on him.

speedaudio64 09-27-2009 08:19 PM

Very nice install, I like how you mounted the amp, also the tweeters came out really well. I do have a question. How much clearance is there behind the door without a space?

bigaudiofanat 09-27-2009 08:22 PM

Thank you, too answer your question not much at all clearance. Without the space you will be lucky to get a speaker that has a mounting depth of 2 inches in. Yes that sounds like a lot but that limits what you can put in by a lot. I would recommend what I did and use the factory spacer and the after market one together for clearance for just about any speaker you would want to put in there.

bigaudiofanat 09-27-2009 09:18 PM

Just wanted to update with the last of the pics that I have. "that are worth posting" If you need help understanding anything or have a question for what is going on in a pic, please ask.

All wires ran, the rear camera wires were all wrapped up in electrical tape to make them blend in. Can you see them?

A closer look at the speakers installed.

All of the stuff out

This shows were I ran the power wire a little better, there is a rubber grommet that you will see after taking some of the paneling off.

schrute 09-27-2009 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 215576)

I love this pic ^

Clean looking install. +1 on a good job

bigaudiofanat 10-05-2009 01:26 PM

LOL ya it is like "Nissan see how much stuff you did not need to put in the car"

Or what Derek said "I wonder how much better my gas millage will be now"

kenchan 10-05-2009 01:32 PM

lol, my garage looks like that right now. my Z is not drivable. :p

bigaudiofanat 10-05-2009 01:47 PM

Nice my car was like that once for about 4 days.

kenchan 10-05-2009 01:59 PM

damn...4days i would have withdraws! :D

speak of the devil...just got my tracking# for my camera. wheew...should be able to start putting back my car tomorrow. :)

bigaudiofanat 10-05-2009 02:59 PM

Good deal

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