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Telephone 05-29-2012 03:07 AM

I Added Rear Speakers...SCORE!!!
2 Attachment(s)
Well after months of reading debates on whether rear speakers are necessary or not, I decided to go ahead with the install. It's still an ongoing debate, but I'm gonna try to end it now.

Some background first:
- Base model Z
- Two months ago I changed out the head unit, front components, and added a 10in sub with 2 amps (mono & 4 channel)
- Dynamatted the doors and some sections in the rear.

As you know, installing the rear speakers is not easy as you must remove the hatch panels along with the panels that conceal the seatbelt modules. Behind the panel are holes in the inner-body that may contribute to the road noise (see pic). I Dynamatted this area. I had to shave down quite a bit of the 370Z speaker housing on the speaker panel in order to provide clearance for the new speakers....but they fit and the panels were able to fit nicely back in place. I ran 16 gauge wire to my 4 channel amp under the seat.

I don't sugar coat mods, but this addition was well worth it for me. I understand the "2 channel" argument, but that only sounds good on paper. The argument doesn't hold up in a 370Z on SoCal grooved-concrete freeways at 70+ MPH. That's 90% of my driving! Adding rear speakers helps mask the road noise and it fills in some of the notes that my front components seemed to be missing. It improved the quality of all my music, most notably techno. It took a little tuning, but now my components are not screaming at my face and I have a nice blend of music surrounding me. You can kill the front speakers using your head unit and have a conversation with someone while the rear speakers are playing in the background....or you can kill the rear speakers whenever you like. It's nice having the option.

It's a cheap mod, but the labor will depend on whether you have have to tap back into the head unit or not. For $60 and half a Saturday, I say go for it :tup: Infinity 329CF 105W Peak 3-1/2 -Inch Custom Fit Two-Way Speakers (Pair): Car Electronics

harry370z 05-29-2012 03:12 AM

I've got 3.5 in my rears

Totally worth it, i couldn't be happier

Pauly 05-29-2012 06:52 AM

thanks for posting this. im one of those on the fence

SalA 05-29-2012 08:26 AM

I had rear speakers installed when I upgraded my HU from the base radio to a Kenwood. The fill-in music does add some depth to the listening experience. For me it was well worth it.

ConchZ2 05-29-2012 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Telephone (Post 1742349)
Well after months of reading debates on whether rear speakers are necessary or not, I decided to go ahead with the install. It's still an ongoing debate, but I'm gonna try to end it now.

Some background first:
- Base model Z
- Two months ago I changed out the head unit, front components, and added a 10in sub with 2 amps (mono & 4 channel)
- Dynamatted the doors and some sections in the rear.

As you know, installing the rear speakers is not easy as you must remove the hatch panels along with the panels that conceal the seatbelt modules. Behind the panel are holes in the inner-body that may contribute to the road noise (see pic). I Dynamatted this area. I had to shave down quite a bit of the 370Z speaker housing on the speaker panel in order to provide clearance for the new speakers....but they fit and the panels were able to fit nicely back in place. I ran 16 gauge wire to my 4 channel amp under the seat.

I don't sugar coat mods, but this addition was well worth it for me. I understand the "2 channel" argument, but that only sounds good on paper. The argument doesn't hold up in a 370Z on SoCal grooved-concrete freeways at 70+ MPH. That's 90% of my driving! Adding rear speakers helps mask the road noise and it fills in some of the notes that my front components seemed to be missing. It improved the quality of all my music, most notably techno. It took a little tuning, but now my components are not screaming at my face and I have a nice blend of music surrounding me. You can kill the front speakers using your head unit and have a conversation with someone while the rear speakers are playing in the background....or you can kill the rear speakers whenever you like. It's nice having the option.

It's a cheap mod, but the labor will depend on whether you have have to tap back into the head unit or not. For $60 and half a Saturday, I say go for it :tup: Infinity 329CF 105W Peak 3-1/2 -Inch Custom Fit Two-Way Speakers (Pair): Car Electronics

Its great hearing reviews from a 370Z owner who installed the rear speakers! I have stated that adding rear speakers would add depth to the sound. Nice job!!

bjblackout 05-29-2012 01:52 PM

My install is next week and I chose to not get rear speakers. Gonna try it without and see how it sounds!!

bigaudiofanat 05-29-2012 02:23 PM

Some people still feel they need that rear fill, always a good idea to install a good set up front and maybe a sub than go from there.

Looks good OP.

vermithrax 05-29-2012 02:52 PM

Think I might do this also. I would prefer a set of Polk DB 3.5 speakers to match my fronts. Does anyone have information on how much depth/room there is? Looks pretty tight, I would hate to order speakers that don't fit.

SalA 05-29-2012 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 1743114)
Some people still feel they need that rear fill, always a good idea to install a good set up front and maybe a sub than go from there.

Looks good OP.

Simple solution is to do both!

MacLean 05-29-2012 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 1743114)
Some people still feel they need that rear fill, always a good idea to install a good set up front and maybe a sub than go from there.

Looks good OP.

:iagree: If one has a kick a** component set-up up front & a good sub or two with an amp, then to me by putting two 3.5'' wouldn't benefit me at all (IMHO). I can see w/o a sub, then yes having teh rear speakers would help out. I would rather have a sub b/c it would help put the pieces together than the 3.5''.

Telephone 05-29-2012 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by vermithrax (Post 1743181)
Think I might do this also. I would prefer a set of Polk DB 3.5 speakers to match my fronts. Does anyone have information on how much depth/room there is? Looks pretty tight, I would hate to order speakers that don't fit.

Here are the size specs for the 3.5 in speakers I used. Yes, it was a tight fit. Compare these to your Polks.

Top-mount Depth (Inches) 1 9/16

Bottom-mount Depth (Inches) 2 3/16

Cutout Diameter or Length (inches) 3 3/16

TreeSemdyZee 05-29-2012 06:05 PM

I put Infinity Kappa 32.9cf 3-1/2" 2-ways in mine.
When I put in my sub, I think I'm going to do a little grinding behind these speakers because the speaker pushes out slightly on one side of the car.

The size of these speakers is perfect as far as circumference. I had to cut the connectors that go between the circular speaker hole and the mounting screw holes and they dropped right into place.

I agree with you 100% OP. I love the fill that mine give.
I fit the axiom, "If it's too loud, you're too old". I don't really crank up the stereo and never really have, so the fill helps surround me.

Dsevast 05-31-2012 09:11 AM

My new audio system consists of HKS exhaust and Berk HFC's. I never turn up my radio anymore because I just want to listen to the sounds haha.

Zenki370 06-30-2012 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by vermithrax (Post 1743181)
Think I might do this also. I would prefer a set of Polk DB 3.5 speakers to match my fronts. Does anyone have information on how much depth/room there is? Looks pretty tight, I would hate to order speakers that don't fit.

They will fit as I just put my drivers side in (waiting for my pass side touring panel so I can install my rear pass speaker and cargo cover). You will need to trim the mounting spots on the panel a little bit to make these clear.

Compdoc777 06-30-2012 08:39 AM

I have the infinity 3.5" kappas in the back as well had to cut away a bit of plastic on the back to fit them flush. They do sound great though. Installed the Infinity Kappa 10" as well in the back with an sealed box that has the perfect air space. Used the Kappa5 five channel amp to save weight and space. I have it designed to save weight it has about the same weight as the spare and tools I removed from rear.

nobdy_#608 07-11-2012 05:35 PM

would it be a stupid idea to have custom boxes for the mid cubby spots to have 6.5" speakers installed instead of going with 3.5"?
Just FYI still a nooby on car audio but im reading and learning everything i can planning out my speakers system for my Z savin up about 2 grande in the next 2 months maybe more

bigaudiofanat 07-11-2012 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by nobdy_#608 (Post 1816927)
would it be a stupid idea to have custom boxes for the mid cubby spots to have 6.5" speakers installed instead of going with 3.5"?
Just FYI still a nooby on car audio but im reading and learning everything i can planning out my speakers system for my Z savin up about 2 grande in the next 2 months maybe more

You mean these?

If you going to add rears and going to have the music loud I would go for custom pods to hold 6.5's over the smaller 3.5

nobdy_#608 07-11-2012 10:45 PM

Yea like that but i was think the cubby spot behind that infront of the pillar to hav it higher up or like that if it would be better but thats what im planing on doing for the rears

kenchan 07-12-2012 01:08 PM

lol @ big hand print. :icon17: the parcel shelf baffle looks :tup:

bigaudiofanat 07-12-2012 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 1818179)
lol @ big hand print. :icon17: the parcel shelf baffle looks :tup:


I have big hands what can I say!

Liquid_G 07-12-2012 08:46 PM

bigaudio.. what are those speaker pods? more info on them?

sorry to thread hijack OP.

bigaudiofanat 07-12-2012 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Liquid_G (Post 1818884)
bigaudio.. what are those speaker pods? more info on them?

sorry to thread hijack OP.

Here you go

acelesson 05-16-2016 12:05 PM

hate to bump an old thread, but are the wires ran for the rear speakers behind the seats, so that it would be as simple as buying speakers and connecting the wires?

SalA 05-16-2016 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by acelesson (Post 3480946)
hate to bump an old thread, but are the wires ran for the rear speakers behind the seats, so that it would be as simple as buying speakers and connecting the wires?

Unfortunately, you will have to run the wires if you have a base unit. The only thing that's there is the speaker grill as part of the trim.

bigaudiofanat 05-17-2016 09:53 AM

Or pin outs on the harness. It would be easier if you have an aftermarket head unit. You'd get better sound with the pods over the stock rears. None the less rears aren't really my thing.

acelesson 05-18-2016 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by SalA (Post 3480951)
Unfortunately, you will have to run the wires if you have a base unit. The only thing that's there is the speaker grill as part of the trim.

i have a pioneer 4200NEX

just bought it last weekend, love it so far...even with stock speakers right now, its a massive upgrade over the Base HU

solo413 05-23-2016 09:05 AM

Nice work

bigaudiofanat 06-06-2016 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by solo413 (Post 3484934)
Nice work

Hey you're not far from me. I now live in New Castle DE, down the road from stewarts brewery. :hello:

solo413 06-06-2016 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 3493115)
Hey you're not far from me. I now live in New Castle DE, down the road from stewarts brewery. :hello:

Glad to hear that I rarely see Z's around the area, starting to feel like they are more rare than my legacy gt lol if your on fb join the "302crew" it's pretty nice group and they meet up all the time for in prompt meets and drives

Is Stewart's in same shopping center where Kmart is?

bigaudiofanat 06-07-2016 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by solo413 (Post 3493514)
Glad to hear that I rarely see Z's around the area, starting to feel like they are more rare than my legacy gt lol if your on fb join the "302crew" it's pretty nice group and they meet up all the time for in prompt meets and drives

Is Stewart's in same shopping center where Kmart is?

I'll have to check out the group.

Yeah stewarts is where the kmart and shop rite is.

solo413 06-07-2016 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 3493650)
I'll have to check out the group.

Yeah stewarts is where the kmart and shop rite is.

Sweet I'm like 15mins from there. We have to meet up sometime.

Solidandre 06-07-2016 09:07 PM

Anyone of you know if the tweeters are worth the upgrade? I just purchased fronts and rears to install next weekend, are tweeters worth the investment too?

bigaudiofanat 06-08-2016 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by solo413 (Post 3494060)
Sweet I'm like 15mins from there. We have to meet up sometime.

Let me know man!

bigaudiofanat 06-08-2016 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Solidandre (Post 3494065)
Anyone of you know if the tweeters are worth the upgrade? I just purchased fronts and rears to install next weekend, are tweeters worth the investment too?

Tweeters by themselves no but a component set together yes.

Gungrave 11-16-2017 12:34 AM

So I have a dumb question and haven’t been able to find a definite answer. I have a 2010 base model without the Bose system coupe 370. Does my Z come with rear speakers installed stock or is it just the door and tweeters installed stock?

SalA 11-16-2017 05:12 AM

Base Model only has the grills in those rear panels. You will need to run the wires and probably install a separate Head Unit and Amp..

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