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nutoz 11-19-2010 04:48 PM

Brian is it too late to get a 2010 kit with camera? I also would like the
bypass kit and I can wait. I think winter is approaching and I need a
winter project. in this kit , can the lines on the screen be calibrated ?

shawn84 11-19-2010 05:31 PM

pm me pricing ... kit with camera to Vancouver Canada.

dixon cider 11-19-2010 05:38 PM

Brian and Jeff,
Thanks so much for the hard work that you put in for the rest of us. I know I speak for many when I say that it is greatly appreciated. Kit ordered.


bdl99 11-19-2010 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by nutoz (Post 816301)
Brian is it too late to get a 2010 kit with camera? I also would like the
bypass kit and I can wait. I think winter is approaching and I need a
winter project. in this kit , can the lines on the screen be calibrated ?

PM sent with group buy details. The lines on the screen can be calibrated, the instructions come with some pretty good defaults but there is also instructions on tweaking them.

I will be posting details on the bypass kit in the coming weeks.

dixon cider 11-19-2010 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by bdl99 (Post 816655)
PM sent with group buy details. The lines on the screen can be calibrated, the instructions come with some pretty good defaults but there is also instructions on tweaking them.

I will be posting details on the bypass kit in the coming weeks.

Brian, if I missed it, I'm sorry, but any idea of pricing on the bypass kit? Also, I replied to your email. No google acct for me. Need the instructions in PDF plz. :tiphat:

Chris`I 11-20-2010 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by bdl99 (Post 815090)
Now that all the 2010 kits are on they way, just a reminder to help each other by suggesting any improvements to instructions. The instructions are a lot more detailed that you would probably get on any other kit but that doesn't mean they can't be better.

With the GT-R community the feedback made the instructions even better with people submitting alternative images (for example on the EU GT-Rs there are no holes behind the rear license plate).

So for you trailblazers out there (especially roadster owners) help the other guys out by sending me any suggested improvements to the instructions. I can then apply them to the online version everyone has a link to.


I did a trial install today as I had the camera set there and was bored. Ran the cam wires and hooked it up via a hacked up 12v cig lighter feed and the AUX in. Planning on getting some sound deadening next week, so will do you some piccies for the EU side of things. Nothing major different TBH, I just installed it the other side of the hatch release button as it fit better there for me.

Also, found that if you cant get the foam block out behind the strut brace, you can get the cable through in 2 steps. First (in the EU car anyway) there is a document/instruction book holder behind the drivers seat. You can remove this and the little cover left behind it to help fish the cables through, both from the rear (where the foam is) and also from the arm rest. Will grab some pics when I can :tup:

For those that have done the install, can you show where you stuck the cam on the bumper, and also what the view looks like on the screen? I was doing mine in the garage and had to faff around for a while to try and find the best place in the bumper recess by the license plate light, and not sure I have it in the ideal place.

bdl99 11-20-2010 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Chris`I (Post 817136)
I did a trial install today as I had the camera set there and was bored. Ran the cam wires and hooked it up via a hacked up 12v cig lighter feed and the AUX in. Planning on getting some sound deadening next week, so will do you some piccies for the EU side of things. Nothing major different TBH, I just installed it the other side of the hatch release button as it fit better there for me.

Great and thanks for the offer of pics.


Originally Posted by Chris`I (Post 817136)
Also, found that if you cant get the foam block out behind the strut brace, you can get the cable through in 2 steps. First (in the EU car anyway) there is a document/instruction book holder behind the drivers seat. You can remove this and the little cover left behind it to help fish the cables through, both from the rear (where the foam is) and also from the arm rest. Will grab some pics when I can :tup:

Interesting and always for something that makes it easier.


Originally Posted by Chris`I (Post 817136)
For those that have done the install, can you show where you stuck the cam on the bumper, and also what the view looks like on the screen? I was doing mine in the garage and had to faff around for a while to try and find the best place in the bumper recess by the license plate light, and not sure I have it in the ideal place.

Did you see the instructions and the supplemental instructions when using your own camera? Looking at the back of the car the ideal location is between the left hand license plate light and the boot release button.

Hopefully your harness will arrive soon.

Chris`I 11-21-2010 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by bdl99 (Post 817317)
Did you see the instructions and the supplemental instructions when using your own camera? Looking at the back of the car the ideal location is between the left hand license plate light and the boot release button.

Hopefully your harness will arrive soon.

Yes I saw that. Without having the harness (yet ;) ), it was me being a perfectionist trying to find the best place and way to mount the bracket in that space (between the release button and plate light) to get the best view out of the back. I was constantly fiddling to mount the braket to the top (where the release button and light are) or at the back of the same area. Also swapping the way round the braket is in relation to the camera moves it forwards/backwards and up/down in that space too. I can have a proper play later when the harness is here to see what gives the best results. I am thinking in reality, they probably arent making much difference, but I was trying to get the most "view" from the camera with the least bumper being visible

Jeffblue 11-21-2010 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by bdl99 (Post 817317)
Interesting and always for something that makes it easier.

Easier? are you suggesting that his method is easier than me climbing in the trunk and pulling with all of my might for 10 minutes to get the piece out?:roflpuke2:

bdl99 11-21-2010 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Chris`I (Post 817594)
Yes I saw that. Without having the harness (yet ;) ), it was me being a perfectionist trying to find the best place and way to mount the bracket in that space (between the release button and plate light) to get the best view out of the back. I was constantly fiddling to mount the braket to the top (where the release button and light are) or at the back of the same area. Also swapping the way round the braket is in relation to the camera moves it forwards/backwards and up/down in that space too. I can have a proper play later when the harness is here to see what gives the best results. I am thinking in reality, they probably arent making much difference, but I was trying to get the most "view" from the camera with the least bumper being visible

Great and just the kind of input which helps everyone else. One thing I was going to add is that on my GT-R I replaced the licence plate bulbs with LED bulbs. This gave me the colour light I was looking for (more white) but also improved the night results on the camera. On all backup cameras the you get light bleeding in to the image at night but I found with the LEDs bulbs the effect was smaller.

bdl99 11-21-2010 01:39 PM

I'm hoping many of the 2010 owners are busy spending their Sunday afternoon installing the camera. I did get one suggestion regarding the rear trunk trim and I've updated the online instructions (figure 4.3). Also the following DIY thread has some good pictures

Who is going to be the first to post their results? Maybe they will be the first to get the bypass kit ;)

tsolin01 11-21-2010 02:13 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Just got done installing mine. Installation wasn't difficult at all and I took my time. I haven't taken apart the dash before but it was straightforward for the most part. The hardest time for me was trying to take out the start button connector, but after looking at the DIY on replacing it, it was a breeze.

I didn't really take any pictures during the process but here are a couple of the finished product. I still need to fine tune the grid lines but it's good for now.

I do have one issue though, not sure what I did but the airbag light keeps flashing now and the passenger airbag off light comes on. I'm trying to figure out how to reset that. Does anyone have any ideas about that? I didn't disconnect the battery during installation but I guess I probably should have...

bdl99 11-21-2010 02:19 PM

Just noticed this post for others with some tips

bdl99 11-21-2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by tsolin01 (Post 817982)
Just got done installing mine. Installation wasn't difficult at all and I took my time. I haven't taken apart the dash before but it was straightforward for the most part. The hardest time for me was trying to take out the start button connector, but after looking at the DIY on replacing it, it was a breeze.

Was you changing the start button at the same time. We didn't remove the start button connector during the install on Jeff's car (unless Jeff did it when I wasn't looking :) )


Originally Posted by tsolin01 (Post 817982)
I didn't really take any pictures during the process but here are a couple of the finished product. I still need to fine tune the grid lines but it's good for now.



Originally Posted by tsolin01 (Post 817982)
I do have one issue though, not sure what I did but the airbag light keeps flashing now and the passenger airbag off light comes on. I'm trying to figure out how to reset that. Does anyone have any ideas about that? I didn't disconnect the battery during installation but I guess I probably should have...

Not seen that issue before, did you disconnect any other connectors while doing the install? I have seen that disconnecting airbag sensors can cause this type of problem. Hopefully someone can help with reseting.

tsolin01 11-21-2010 02:41 PM

I wasn't changing the start button but I just wanted to remove the whole dash part to give myself more room. I also routed the wires from the screen behind the radio panel so I removed that as well but didn't disconnect any connectors there.

Also where did you guys put the little power control module for the camera? I hid mine in the shifter area.

I think I know what happened with the airbag light. I had disconnected the passenger airbag off light and accidentally turned the car power on while fiddling with the start button. I turned it off right away but I'm guessing that caused some error in the SRS system. I'm going to try to reset the error according to the service manual and see what happens. I never touched any other wires besides those.

Perhaps a recommendation to disconnect the battery before removing the dash pieces would be good lol unless that's common sense and I'm just a newb.

The camera works great though! I just need to test it out at night but I'd expect visibility to be good too.

Edit: Resetting the SRS error worked. Light's not staying on anymore and the camera works perfect!

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