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2011 Nismo#91 08-15-2016 12:20 PM

Android HU install.
I finally decided to stop waiting for a major name brand retailer to put out a full Android HU and went with a pure Chinese unit. Joying 2Din 5.1.1

I am getting rid of my old Apline INA-W900BT because is't pretty limited in what it can do from a AV file perspective. It will only play video files from the DVD drive and only if they are MPEG-1 or 2 with no compression. It can only play audio files MP3, WMA, and AAC. Also their support wasn't very helpful besides suggesting to buy more alpine products to fix issues.

For the past 4 years I had this unit I have been waiting for an actual android system to hit the market, the few that have only use a very old version (parrot) or some proprietary version that only allows a small handful of apps (20 or less) to run. Not to mention costs around $1k.

So I'll keep this thread updated, as of now I got all the parts on hand and should be installed Wednesday with the help of bigaudiofanat.

Thyristor 08-15-2016 12:30 PM

the Joying unit looks pretty nice and the price is right. im interested in seeing how everything turns out :)

sgosh 08-15-2016 12:53 PM

Looking forward to seeing how this thread progresses. Thanks 2011 Nismo#91 for starting it. :)

bigaudiofanat 08-15-2016 01:30 PM

LOL oh Pete can't wait to pull the alpine out and upgrade you to something that hopefully works better. I know the 910 I had was good for a while but I was bored of it. Looking forward to seeing you Wed to get this upgrade done.

Jayhovah 08-17-2016 04:28 AM

Looking forward to your experience! I was seriously considering the same model but decided to go with a pioneer model instead only because, knowing myself, customizing and configuring an Android unit would turn into a science project and this car is already a cornucopia of projects for me. In buying the simpler pioneer unit, I kind of "took the toy away" from myself. :)

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Tenny 08-17-2016 06:44 AM

Sub'd. Definitely curious to see how this turns out! real interested in android head units.

2011 Nismo#91 08-18-2016 09:05 AM

First I updated my feelings towards Alpine on the OP because when we removed the system we found that the original installer (not Bigaudiofanat) had done a completely **** job and that was what was causing the Bluetooth connectivity issues. I still feel they are past their prime and don't offer anything better then the other players at the same price. But moving on.

The install, it went well, there are no instructions on installing this unit besides 1 index card telling you want wire color is what, which would be useful if the wires didn't already come labeled. If your good at googling you can find out all you need to do the install. Also if you get a laugh from reading engrish there's plenty in this box.

Somethings to note installation wise:
1. The GPS antenna connector on the HU will not match the connector on a stock or other typical car gps antenna.
2. The steering wheel controls connector on the HU is 2 wires. So you will need an very simple adapter to connect the 2 wires to a METRA AXXESS or PAC SWI unit's 3.5mm jack.
3. Programming the steering wheel controls is a bit too simple and we over though it, Bigaudiofanat could probably give more info since he was messing around with it the most.

Running the unit: I does have some quirks but overall for sub 300US its well worth it.
1. It boots up pretty fast much faster then any smartphone I had before.
2. The rear view is ready quickly too, down side is that right now it cuts the current audio/video that's playing, which isn't too bad because it makes you pay a bit more attention when driving reverse.
3. Connectivity: Excellent, had it connected to a WIFI hotspot, while streaming BT Audio from my phone, and the Torque app (pre-installed) connected via Bluetooth as well reading engine info.
3. Apps, it comes with all the basics installed. Generic Audio app, Video app, and browser. Google maps and Torque is on there too. Can't remember off the top of my head right now the others.
4. Adding apps. It does have google play preloaded so just be in range og a wifi signal and download pretty much everything and anything.
5. No preloaded maps. It seems most people use SYGIC and it's free. I have yet to install it.
6. The HD screen and animated background are amazing.

Much more to come as I work with it more.

Jayhovah 08-18-2016 01:18 PM

When I was looking into it - I didn't think you even needed a steering wheel adapter for steering controls... the inputs to the deck can supposedly just take the input directly.

2011 Nismo#91 08-18-2016 01:22 PM

That could be true, we didn't even try since I already had the adapter in place from the prior install.

bigaudiofanat 08-18-2016 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jayhovah (Post 3538949)
When I was looking into it - I didn't think you even needed a steering wheel adapter for steering controls... the inputs to the deck can supposedly just take the input directly.

Ok I'd like to add to everything Z has posted.

First up the unit runs off of detecting resistance between two wires. Could this possibly be done off the canbus wires of the Z? Possibly but I doubt it. It's why I went ahead and kept the metra installed. You will need the adapter brown and brown and white wires from 3.5mm jack if using the Metra. The Pac should have dual output wires to detect off of.

To program the steering wheel stupidly simple. To the point where I thought the unit wasn't recognizing button presses. Let me explain. When entering steering wheel controls menus you are greeted with a blank screen with a reset and save button. Once you reprogram your metra (it will detect the unit as a JVC) you can press any button. This is where it gets easy. Once you press a button you are greeted with a dual menu setup. One with a short press and one with a long press. Under these menus is every control you could possibly program. So for the source short hold will return you to the home screen. A long hold I programmed for shutting down the unit. You can program any button with two commands. A short press and a long press. Once you select one or both you click done, then hit your next button. Once you're done programming your last button you hit save and you're done.

Next, up one thing that had me worried. Sound quality. More directly pre-output distortion. I set all gains with an SMD DD-1 distortion detector. This is highly accurate and tells me what's the highest volume a head unit can go to before clipping or distortion is detected. Happy to announce the unit was able to go to the maximum volume number with 0 distortion (with all EQ settings flat). A big positive for this unit. Now you could add a DAC to one of the USB outputs for the best signal but we didn't do this. Once thing that raised an eyebrow was only a MONO sub output. This isn't a big deal but would have liked to seen a L and R.

Is there a gap? NO! Not even able to fit a credit card between the DASH KIT and the unit. Not a single bit of gap period. For all you out there that love no gap this unit is for you.

Final thoughts, I like the unit. Would I buy one? Probably not but that's just me and my stickler for something that feels better built. Don't get me wrong this thing will play anything you push to it. Adding the app POWERAMP is HIGHLY recommended by myself. It's what I use on my phone.

2011 Nismo#91 08-18-2016 06:30 PM


Torque Running

GPS Sygic Offline Map



Netflix (not working atm)

bam1020 08-18-2016 10:20 PM

Really digging this head unit I'm a android freak honestly didn't know this was out there...only thing that has me worried is installing it haven't done a good install in years so would definitely be seeking professional help hopefully can get this done....great review! And information

iTeaBagDrums 08-19-2016 02:15 AM

Subscribed. I remember seeing some people use this unit on the BRZ/FR-S' with great results.

mtbdave 08-19-2016 06:32 AM

Very nice... couple questions

1. Did you connect this to a Bose System?

2. Where did you get the mounting Faceplate?


2011 Nismo#91 08-19-2016 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by mtbdave (Post 3539448)
Very nice... couple questions

1. Did you connect this to a Bose System?

2. Where did you get the mounting Faceplate?


1. This was not with a Bose system. (Car started with a base system but that's completely replaced)

2. No dash kit was used from what I remember (If one was it was from Crutchfield). Face plate of the unit itself is what came in the box, there was another optional one in the box too but it wasn't needed.

2011 Nismo#91 08-19-2016 09:28 AM

Two additional things about the unit. It's very reflective and wearing polarized glasses is an issue much more then my old alpine had. It still have the mfg protective sticker on it while am I still fiddling with it a lot but maybe an anti glare & protector film would be beneficial.

night blade 08-20-2016 08:09 AM

Always worried these units won't work one way or the other, but there's really nothing out there that can replace what this does. For $300 I might give this one a try, there's quite a few on the Joying site, wonder if others are just as good or better?

2011 Nismo#91 08-22-2016 08:22 AM


Backup cam loads up very fast haven't timed it, but never had to wait at all for it, I think it's just a bypass feeding the video signal direct to the display.
It loads about in less then 30 sec usually around 20 or so. How ever it's very sluggish for the first 2-3 min.
Also from time to time it get's a bit slow if you have been opening a lot of apps, they put a button on the main screen, looks like a rocket, to clear up a lot of background processes and memory and that seems to have been working decently.

night blade 08-24-2016 02:11 PM

Took the chance and ordered a similar Joying deck with rear view cam,

Bit more since I'm a Canuck ;), also ordered the Nissan harness directly from there site, from what I watched in the steering wheel video they posted I won't need a AWSC-1 to get the steering wheel controls to work, I have one and only got it working intermittently on my JVC deck, do not want to go through the hassle of trying to get it to work hence I bought the proper harness, the Metra harness I have does not include all the proper wiring, this one does.

Will let you all know how it turns out, installed a Bazooka sub in my Z the other day, this will be my second toy :).

2011 Nismo#91 08-25-2016 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by night blade (Post 3543222)
Took the chance and ordered a similar Joying deck with rear view cam,

Bit more since I'm a Canuck ;), also ordered the Nissan harness directly from there site, from what I watched in the steering wheel video they posted I won't need a AWSC-1 to get the steering wheel controls to work, I have one and only got it working intermittently on my JVC deck, do not want to go through the hassle of trying to get it to work hence I bought the proper harness, the Metra harness I have does not include all the proper wiring, this one does.

Will let you all know how it turns out, installed a Bazooka sub in my Z the other day, this will be my second toy :).

Glade to hear it.

Jayhovah 08-25-2016 10:29 AM

How is call quality for bluetooth?

Also, is there any HD Radio?

2011 Nismo#91 08-25-2016 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Jayhovah (Post 3543693)
How is call quality for bluetooth?

Also, is there any HD Radio?

No one's complained yet that they can't hear or understand me.

As far as I can tell no HD Radio. The do sell some digital radio adapter but I don't know if it's for US HD Radio.

night blade 08-30-2016 05:35 PM

Just an update, ordered the Joying JY-UL135 last Thursay and was delivery yesterday, quick delivery for sure. Paid duties and taxes and had today off to install, was a pretty easy install, ordered this unit from and the Nissan harness from Joying site, the harness is complete as in you don't need to soldier anything, it's straight from the Nissan stock stereo connector to the new deck, only had to strip the power cable for my powered sub connection.

Unit itself is nice, a more refined setup compared to my older Nexus 7 + single din deck install I did a year ago, that was in my bus. Best thing I found is you really don't require a steering wheel control module, at least I got most of it working without wiring anything else up, other than the steering wheel phone buttons the volume down button doesn't work for some reason. But, you can program the other buttons however you like so I have source as mode, track up as volume up, track down as volume down and volume up as next track, works very good.

Also got the backup cam, but after checking some vids I didn't want to pull apart my 2016 just yet, few more years and i'll tear it down to install it.

So, pretty impressed with it so far, does everything I expected (coming from a tablet install remember) and more, very responsive the boot up is quick, well worth the $400 I paid.

blak max 04-07-2017 05:06 PM

im debating on joying vs pumpkin units.. anyone use the dvr feature?

falsereality 09-13-2017 09:49 AM

Can you still use the steering wheel phone controls with the Android OS head unit?

bigaudiofanat 09-13-2017 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by falsereality (Post 3692991)
Can you still use the steering wheel phone controls with the Android OS head unit?

Yes you can.

2011 Nismo#91 09-13-2017 02:12 PM

The unit is still working fine, only having some memory issues. I have the be conservative about app space and clear up some junk from the built in memory, it doesn't have much and runs out fast.

bigaudiofanat 09-13-2017 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by 2011 Nismo#91 (Post 3693054)
The unit is still working fine, only having some memory issues. I have the be conservative about app space and clear up some junk from the built in memory, it doesn't have much and runs out fast.

Let's do a android tablet next :ugh2:

2011 Nismo#91 09-14-2017 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 3693116)
Let's do a android tablet next :ugh2:


Jayhovah 09-14-2017 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 3693116)
Let's do a android tablet next :ugh2:

I would have 100% done a tablet instead of HU, but it can not be paired with a phone for bluetooth calling (to my knowledge). There are some hacky work-arounds, but nothing that behaves cleanly.

ihiryu 09-15-2017 01:39 PM

You can use tablet talk

It'll do text messages, and show when someone is calling. You can even answer, text, etc, however it does not have the phone paing to the tablet.

When I did my tablet install in my NB miata, I had tablet talk, and an external BT speaker.

So if I got a text it would pause my music on the tablet, play a quick notification, and the text would show up on screen. Then music would continue.

If I got a phone call, again, the music would stop, the table would show the phone call, with the caller ID, I'd hit answer, then my BT speaker would start from there. And the best part? Music would stay paused until the phone call was over.

Back then I used an amp wire to my speakers, and from the amp would be a 3.5mm to RCA cable. I bet if you could get a 3.5mm splitter, and buy a BT setup

And with a litlte more tooling, I bet you could get it all to work in conjunction together.

Jayhovah 09-15-2017 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by ihiryu (Post 3693515)
You can use tablet talk

It'll do text messages, and show when someone is calling. You can even answer, text, etc, however it does not have the phone paing to the tablet.

When I did my tablet install in my NB miata, I had tablet talk, and an external BT speaker.

So if I got a text it would pause my music on the tablet, play a quick notification, and the text would show up on screen. Then music would continue.

If I got a phone call, again, the music would stop, the table would show the phone call, with the caller ID, I'd hit answer, then my BT speaker would start from there. And the best part? Music would stay paused until the phone call was over.

Back then I used an amp wire to my speakers, and from the amp would be a 3.5mm to RCA cable. I bet if you could get a 3.5mm splitter, and buy a BT setup

And with a litlte more tooling, I bet you could get it all to work in conjunction together.

I considered this setup when thinking of a tablet install...but I filed this away in the hacky workaround department. I'll do a tablet install just as soon as someone figures out a straight forward solution to the pairing problem. I.E. - I want it to work exactly how it does in any modern car stereo. Failing that, I'll stick with my pioneer head unit. Thanks for the suggestions though!

Corsairprime 02-25-2019 03:04 PM

Just finished the Install of the Joying USA-JY-UO135N4PX5S, (Android 8.1 Car Radio 7" Touchscreen 4GB RAM 64GB) in my 2014 Nismo. Used the Harmony Audio single/Double DIN dash and harness kit to do the wiring. Got them both on Amazon.

The install was quick and without fuss. The Android HU boots in about 20 seconds at startup. Integrates well with anything you could need in a car for audio or traveling needs. NAV picks up satellites right off the bat even though the GPS antenna is magnetically attached to the top of the Android HU buried in the dash. No problem with Bluetooth OBDII or phone pairing.

My initial review is a positive one. I would do it again in a minute, given the functionality upgrade to the audio and video capabilities, not to mention the built in NAV.

Just my experience. PM me for any questions you might have.

blak max 02-25-2019 08:22 PM

i put a joying in my daily G35 and liked it. games, naivi, reverse cam, dash cam . only thing i didnt like is i dont hve wifi hotpsot so i can only get online when im by wifi

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