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nismonster 06-14-2015 11:24 AM

Mounting a Bass Control knob
Anyone have any resources or guides on how to mount a bass control knob?

This is the knob I bought:
JL Audio RBC-1 Remote bass control for JL Audio amps at

I bored out a hole in my middle switch and have it mounted, but it isn't flush and the whole thing looks subpar, it would be awesome if there was a way to get a switch that was flush with the knob where I could glue or bolt in the knob to the switch plate, and then install to the middle position...

Let me know if you've seen any successful installs with this, I am pretty much out of ideas.

90 ST 06-14-2015 11:41 AM

Did you pull the JL one apart? Pics of how it turned out might help to see what you did and what you maybe could have done...

AdamRacer 06-14-2015 09:28 PM

Someone on this forum did exactly that and I believe it's in the "What to do with those three blank center buttons" thread or close enough lol. Should be in the interior & exterior section. Anyways it was done with a clean look so maybe you can reference that one.

AdamRacer 06-14-2015 09:34 PM

Ok so it's in exterior & interior instead of the reverse. Here's the thread link
It's on the first page about half way down. Maybe you can add some type of washer?

SouthArk370Z 06-15-2015 07:40 AM

You can often adjust the mounting nuts/washers so that less of the shaft sticks out from the panel and the knob will fit closer to the panel.

You may be able to shorten the shaft. A fine-tooth hacksaw and a small vise will work.

zpower86 06-15-2015 09:23 AM

Mounting a Bass Control knob

This is where I have mine and I love it. If you're like me, you don't want to reach far to adjust it every song.

It attaches using a double sided sticky pad. No drilling.

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RBfastback 06-15-2015 12:51 PM

Mounting a Bass Control knob
I have the exact same bass knob.
here is what I did: post 23 on 2nd page

RBfastback 06-15-2015 12:54 PM

I mounted it lower then the guy who did it before me so it would look a little more clean and oem

kenchan 06-15-2015 01:09 PM

id conceal it inside the center console (under the arm rest area).

zpower86 06-15-2015 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 3229410)
id conceal it inside the center console (under the arm rest area).

I had the shop do it that way at first, until I realized I'd have to open the arm rest every time. Plus ur arm is in an awkward position when you adjust it.

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kenchan 06-15-2015 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by zpower86 (Post 3229425)
I had the shop do it that way at first, until I realized I'd have to open the arm rest every time. Plus ur arm is in an awkward position when you adjust it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

yah, i wasnt saying ur way was bad, i dont like dials where i might touch it by accident and mess up the setting. once i have the sub setup, i rarely touch the dial.

RBfastback 06-15-2015 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 3229455)
yah, i wasnt saying ur way was bad, i dont like dials where i might touch it by accident and mess up the setting. once i have the sub setup, i rarely touch the dial.

idk man I use the dial for every different individual song and song genre.
they all have different bass and Most ppl when they download things there all different qualities sometimes so u need different settings

kenchan 06-15-2015 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by RBfastback (Post 3229663)
idk man I use the dial for every different individual song and song genre.
they all have different bass and Most ppl when they download things there all different qualities sometimes so u need different settings


i personally listen to music the way it was recorded so once i have that sub freq void filled for the system, i dont mess with the settings and just enjoy the tracks the way it was recorded by its creators.

RBfastback 06-15-2015 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 3229783)

i personally listen to music the way it was recorded so once i have that sub freq void filled for the system, i dont mess with the settings and just enjoy the tracks the way it was recorded by its creators.

good point, I'm not saying ur wrong man

a lot of my music was downloaded a long time ago and is crappy, I've got to re download better torrent files but that's usually why I change the EQ all the time.

although sometime I want a lot of bass and sometime I don't.

nismonster 06-16-2015 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by RBfastback (Post 3229369)
I have the exact same bass knob.
here is what I did: post 23 on 2nd page

This is exactly what I want to do....tried and bored the hole way too big. Also, the button didn't really "snap" back in the switch harness when i re-installed it. Could've been fubar'd when taking it out though, I was pretty rough with it.

Any tips for how you stuck the knob inside of the button and got it to stay? Did you glue it, or use the hardware that came with the button? Mine is taped right now...but its more a temporary solution since I am going to redo the button anyways.

Going to see if I can get a blank switch in the classifieds, if not i'll just pick one up from Nissan think they are about $10.

RBfastback 06-16-2015 10:02 PM

Mounting a Bass Control knob
I used a step up drill bit, the one that looks like a cone that starts small then steps up to one size larger. measure the blank to find the center and ur gonna make the hole then use the bit to slowly go up one size till it's perfect. go slow to make sure u stay center till its size of the knob then slowly drill a little more to it just barely fits with some spacing around..(this sounds like porn haha)
I couldn't have done it without a dremmel tho cuz ur going to have to hollow out the inside of the blank button (I used the small sand paper bit, a stone bit and a metal cutting bit) all u need to leave are the front and back of the button walls. ur going to dremmel out the sides. be careful removing the button cuz if u crack or snap the tabs it won't stay in right. that's probably what happen with urs.

then the most important part is to use duck tape to get the knob assembly to sit perfectly inside of the button housing. use a lot of tape wrapped around the button then test fit the knob to make sure that when its on the metal rod it sits center to the hole u drilled. leave one small hole in the duck tape wrapping.

now once its perfect I used a rubber epoxy/cement that usually comes in a syringe with 2 sides that u mix, almost like jb weld but it's a quick 15min dry rubber cement from the auto store and I mixed it up and used a small peice of cardboard or anything u can to kinda shovel in the epoxy to that small opening u left in the duck tape. load it up then tape over the hole.

then make sure u use something to keep the hole in the top of the button upright so it doesn't leak out the top.

I waited over night then pealed the tape off.

it should be good.

everything I used is in this picture:
what the bottom looks like

SouthArk370Z 06-17-2015 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by nismonster (Post 3230995)
...Any tips for how you stuck the knob inside of the button and got it to stay? Did you glue it, or use the hardware that came with the button? Mine is taped right now...but its more a temporary solution since I am going to redo the button anyways. ...

Some knobs have a set screw that you can tighten down on the shaft.

Some shafts have a split where the knob slides on. You can spread the "tines" a little bit for a tighter fit.

If neither of those options are available, try some RTV or "soft" Loktite.

90 ST 06-17-2015 11:33 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Yeah the one the OP has looks like you could just take apart the "box" and just use the knob. drill a 1/4" hole, roughly the blank plate and bolt it in.

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