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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: California
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I found a seller on that sells the MT85 at 13.49 and $15.00 shipping.
I brought 4 bottles so total was around $70 CND.
Unfortunately, the seller shipped with UPS and UPS somehow managed to
rip-off, steal, robbery, thief, thieves, abduct, blackmail, burglarize, carry off, cheat, cozen, defraud, despoil, divert, embezzle, heist, hold for ransom, hold up, housebreak, keep, kidnap, loot, misappropriate, peculate, pilfer, pillage, pirate, plagiarize, plunder, poach, purloin, run off with, sack, shoplift, snitch, stick up, strip, swindle, swipe, take, take possession of, thieve, walk off with, withdraw. (Trying to make meta-tags here so people search UPS rip off, this post can come up)
$40 Brokerage Fee.
So total of $110 for 4 bottles.
Anyways, msg me if interested in buying this oil on Amazon. But remember to ask the seller to ship with USPS even if it is a higher price. Because UPS is total ********, crap, insane, stupid, retarded, dumbass, crazy.