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Old 03-20-2011, 02:25 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Winnipeg, MB CANADA
Posts: 8
Drives: 2010 370Z 40th
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JC7 is on a distinguished road

Just bought a 40th anny from Portland (my third USA import). There are some rules when importing, different for every manufacturer... Specifically, Nissan Canada requires that the car must have been registered for a period no less than six months in the USA before it can be considered for import. I bought used so I didnt do any digging on this but it seems to me that buying new from the USA is a no go (however, this may only void the warranty, not sure). as for taxes, if your buying from a dealership the first question you should ask them is to speak to the sales manager, deal directly with this person as the floor salesman don't have all the info and will make bad assumptions about critical go/nogo issues 90% (speaking from experience here, no offense to any sales people...)

otherwise, lots of good posts here by Cheech and others, call RIV, Nissan Canada, take your stress pills "if you have troubles with waiting" and then prepare to apply pressure with your right foot and drive!!! I'll update if anything changes and provide a complete breakdown of my costs when I get back. Any questions in the meantime, feel free to msg me.
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