I actually looked under the car and it appears as if there's close to an inch of clearance above the cross member but I could be wrong. And it sounds like it's coming from the passenger side. Im going to go back to the dealer who installed it tomorrow to have them trouble shoot it. To my knowledge they didn't take the "ark precautions" when installing it (jacking up the x pipe prior to tightening bolts). Hopefully that helps. Maybe there's something rattling on the passenger side by the canisters idk. Yesterday it wasn't rattling at idle on cold start or under load but it is now (ie it's getting worse). So maye that points to a loose bolt or attachment?
Also, beyond the SOUND of the rattling there's an actual FEEL as well. You can feel a vibration in the cabin and through the gearbox. This leads me to believe there exists some degree of metal on metal contact that can hopefully be fixed with a proper re-install.
THANK U everyone for all your input. It's really frustrating when this stuff happens.
K&N // GTM // BERK
Last edited by BLM; 03-20-2011 at 12:39 PM.