Originally Posted by SeeyaBud86
Yea I don't recommend tinting headlights. The heat from the sun and from the HIDs can eventually cake the tint onto the headlight and it will start to crack. I painted my headlights black and they look great. Its just more of a pain in the a** to have it done, but it looks better and holds up much better over time.
Car looks great so far though. I like what you did with the roof. Unique and cleaver!
Hey SeeYaBud, your car looks hot. Thanks, the roof looks awesome indeed

I didn't want to go with the painting of the headlights because it would have been a pain to deal with if I got a ticket to fix it. I am not too worried about the tint on the headlights as I don't do much driving at night and car is parked in garage during the day

Great car you got once again man.