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Old 03-19-2011, 02:54 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by COD4 View Post
ok man.. first of all you are doing almost 60 mph in a city rd?? and also wasnt there a no left turn sign. LolZ... besides the point uhmmm accelerating like that next to soo many cars its like looking for an accident to happen, what if someone decides to change lanes.. BADABING!!!!.. honestly the person in the first suv was wrong by not waiting for you to pass but he/she prolly got scared; seeing that you were coming that fast they didnt know what to do. Now the second one.. the guy is just an ***.. thats how I got hit in my left quater panel.

I got up to about 55 yes because I accelerated to get farther in front of and insure I didn't cut the person off who was in the lane to the left of me. Before that I was doing about 40 and at the bare minimum the speedlimit on that stret was 35. I accelerated quickly but was not driving fast until that person pulled out (and stopped)

As for the no left turn sign.. It would have been obvious if I let the video start a bit earlier. I was coming off a freeway offramp. The No left turn sigh is for the other two lanes (they actually have these little cone things that will probably screw up peoples tires now) as the problem is people in the other two lanes turning left *in front* of the people who go strait coming from the freeway on ramp which basically ends at the light. That no left turn was *not* for my lane which is why it was so far over to the right.

If you pause the video right at the start in the bottom right you can see the little cone thingies I am talking about which they added as too many people were ignoring that no left turn sign.

EDIT: I will admit I should have just slowed down and stopped and waited for the idiot who stopped in the damn lane to move. Also I very rarely have situations where I accel and move between traffic like that. I have been driving for over 10 years and I have yet to have any type of collision with another vehicle.

The only accident I ever got in was in a subaru which was caused by crap on the road in a mountain-like area which I hit while turning which made me go off the side. Luckily it was the base so the drop wasn't life threatening.

Last edited by houkouonchi; 03-19-2011 at 04:55 AM.
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