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Old 03-19-2011, 02:53 AM   #115 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cyberium View Post
Wait, what if the guy who sprayed his windshield really needed to clean his windshield... you know because he couldn't see? That's usually why people do that... not because they are bored and want to piss you off.

Maybe he was waiting for the guy in the blue sports car to go around him but he didn't... he was just tailgating him for the past 15 minutes. So he said... you know what.. **** IT.

And then you went nuts.

I'll try and give a bit of advice... let small **** like that go. If I saw you buzz around me and cut me off and spray **** at me because I was trying to clean my windshield off because I couldn't see... there would be a big problem.
The guy in front of this person did not spray him. There is no way that the guy had to do it then and couldn't wait for an opportune time.

And how the **** am I tailgaiting him? The only reasaon I was that close is I was literally 10 seconds away from changing lanes anyway and was getting up to pass the van. I was following him way farther before and 4 carlengths behind someone isn't tailgating.

Originally Posted by iceman21_23 View Post
This ***** hilarious, but damn you have some serious anger issues.
Really? I have anger issues because I just did the exact same thing back to the person? I actually think flipping the person off like some other people said would actually be a lot worse than I did.

Not everyone likes to lube up and assume the position or just turn the other cheek and let people **** on them and do nothing.
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