I've joined the wrecked Z club... [not as severe]
My coworker and I were heading out for lunch. We decided to take my Z since it was pretty nice out.
I was driving northbound on the left lane of a 40 MPH street. After an intersection to my right is a gas station. As I approached the gas station I saw a car pull out from the gas station to turn into the southbound lane. It was a bit close for comfort, so I started slowing down. The SUV behind that car quickly followed suit and darted out of the gas station as I was approaching 3-4 car lengths away. What I did not anticipate was the SUV stopping dead on its tracks and blocking my lane. My coworker and I quickly and verbally responded as I held down the brakes and the horn, but it was too late.
Thankfully, I was was well under 40 MPH at the moment of impact. The SUV suffered minor damage to the door and rear fender. My car fared worse: bumper, hood, head light, and fender. The tire impacted the door and the rim was about 1-2" away from the impact. The driver tried to move her vehicle, and quickly stopped when it started dragging my car.
My coworker quickly called 911 while I stepped out to quickly take some snapshots before speaking with the driver and her occupants. Every one was okay. She was very apologetic, and I told her that it was okay and that it's easier to replace parts than lives. They were pretty sad looking at the condition of my car and commenting how it was nice and asked a few questions about it.
State troopers and an officer arrived to take down information, photos, and later handcuffed the driver for reasons unknown.
It seems like the accident attracted quite a bit of attention. A stranger from the gas station ran out asking if we were okay. A passerby yelled out the window asking if we needed duct tape to hold the bumper. He stopped to help us with a couple of strips.
Right now I'm pretty stressed. I finally stopped shaking, but am still in shock. The car was towed to the body shop. I already contacted the other party's insurance and got in touch with an agent. Hopefully she can get in touch with the driver. I'll find out what to do next on Tuesday.
Last edited by DIGItonium; 10-05-2011 at 10:18 PM.