Student loans don't count. They are guaranteed. Granted Nissan can take back the car but they can't take back the miles and make it brand new again. Most student loans are guaranteed by the government so if you default the loaning institution is covered. In my humble opinion you shouldn't be looking to buy a 30-40k car if you don't own property. Priorities my man, get yourself a home or some assets so a bank starts looking at the collateral it can go after instead of writing you off as bad debt. What you do is certainly significant and important and congrats on being a pharmacist, very nice job, but being new to the field doesn't make the banks feel good about your prospects of being employed long term. If you were a pharmacist for 5 year with an income history consistent with that of a long time pharmacist it wouldn't be an issue but I'll bet that you haven't been a 'real pharmacist' for over 30 months. Patience is a virtue, your car will be waiting for you and so will we. GL!!