On my way home from having my Z tinted, some Ford Ranger was following me. I just dropped it into 5th and gave it a few seconds of throttle before realizing what I was doing would probably get me shot before I got to jail, and just put it back in 6th. I never saw the Ranger again, lol.
I wouldn't go home if someone were following me/watching.
I have spoken to people I don't know about their car before. Not usually about color, but just in general. I have followed people into parkinglots before after a friendly run. Best was a 911 4S The chic gave me a ride in it, and took a ride in my F-body. Very cool!
As far as creepy, I love watching girls eat. Their tongues dart out and make contact with the food before anything else. It makes me laugh for some unknown reason. Thank you for allowing me to share that.
Last edited by ImportConvert; 03-18-2011 at 06:30 AM.