Tongman... what is wrong with you?
This guy has every right not to show these minimum wage power-tripping clowns his receipt. IT'S THE LAW. I mean, what part of that whole story didn't you understand?
And the receipt checker who actually prevented him from leaving the store is out of his mind... Even if he did steal the TV he wouldn't be able to detain him. It's people like that who try and play hero for the day that end up getting killed by maniacs. I mean really... is a 200 dollar tv worth your life?
It's just sad that most everyone today is so willing to give up their rights just for the sake of convenience. Just like that loser woman who kept telling this guy to show them his receipt. Yeah it would take 2 seconds but THAT'S NOT THE POINT.
Stillen G3 Intakes | F. I TDX
Last edited by Cyberium; 03-17-2011 at 01:33 AM.