Originally Posted by Spencer@Z1
I think you're better off either with BBK all the way or Akebono kit all the way.
Want to make sure you have a balanced hydraulic system or you can find yourself in a bad brake bias situation.
You coming our Saturday? Probably make out even better if you don't have to pay for any shipping 
That's what I was thinking also. It's really hard to fork out almost $4500+ for a full BBK. Even as bad as I want it. I have read from Stoptech that there systems work with the factory brake bias in mind. That's if you only went with a front kit. I have read alot on brake bias. As long as the piston measurement(either four, six, or eight piston) come within a certain percentage of the stock your fine. Pretty sure you know this. I just felt like stating for others.
I defiantly don't want a bad situation. Been there!! I probably will go with a Akebono kit with some "good" pads though. You are very right on the shipping cost. I will be there this weekend and already plan to talk to someone about this. I plan to order late next week. Will you be there so I can talk to you personally?