Originally Posted by haggomyeggo
my only hangup with HFCs is that my buddy had them on his v6 tiburon (i know its not the same but hold on) and I hated how loud they made the car with his exhaust and how the car smelled if you were sitting at a light for too long.
If both of these things were gone i suppose i would take a closer look but I would definitely want to hear a FI exhaust with HFCs in person first.
And if I wanted to keep HFCs on the table would that change my 18" plan to 12" instead??
I talked to the guys at FI and he said he was about 6-9 weeks out right now so I know I could have a bit of time to save if I ordered it now......so tempting but I would like to have the money ready in case something comes up
I will shoot ryan a message and find out Lou....thanks
No. HFCs will make things louder. The 18" resonators are the quieter option, so if you did HFCs you'd want to stick with the 18.
I felt like the 18 alone was plenty loud enough, though. Didn't want the HFCs at all.