Originally Posted by NeverBoneStck
Thats right .. I will not close it ! 3 mnths to get the wheels. Another mnth to ship have them fixed . Received the wheels and so far 3 of the 4 are fcked up . Still waiting on the 4th which will be here Thurs. Who knows what the condition will be. Remember they were not like this when I received them . If I want new wheels I have to wait for another 3 mnths . They do not offer refunds . So the only option is to wait however long it takes to get these wheels. So a total of 7 mnths and hoping there is No issues with the replacement wheels..
The thing that is a bit perplexing is that Forged Specialties seems to consistently deliver top quality wheels, but your wheels seem to have repeat issues. Maybe there is some contamination issues that occurred during the painting process? The paint problem is one thing, scratches on the outside of the wheel cannot be narrowed to the supplier when wheels get shipped with all other large freight and therefore are subject to more abuse.
That said, I highly doubt they would purposefully damage your wheels as I can almost guarantee you they don't exactly like having wheels returned to them. To suggest that is a bit preposterous, what is their motivation to send you damaged wheels and damage their pretty good repution? I can't see any reason why they would.