Originally Posted by Zaggeron
I feel for you. One of my pet peeves is people who stay in merge lanes until they disappear. Often they are acting like it's their lane that remains and the left lane is merging into the right, but it is the other way around. The merge lane is for .. well .. merging. It's not for seeing how long you can keep the guy to your left guessing.
Amen to that, sort of.
I drive on a three lane highway which goes from Indiana into Kentucky. The right lane of the bridge is basically an exit onto a couple of busy highways. People stay in the middle lane until the last possible minute then merge into the right lane. Meanwhile slowing everyone in the middle lane down and, for some reason unbeknownst to me, also slows down the left lane.
Generally when this is happening, they are jabbering away on the flippin' cellphones. Pi***s me off royally.