I am going to hand it over to the owner of Forged Specialties, b/c I have done all I can and then I still somehow get talked about on these forums like I made a mistake. The wheels were definitely damaged in shipping, b/c I saw them myself before they left.
The only thing I see is MAYBE the rear of the spokes(you dont see that) but w/e it is understandable and once someone talks bad about you, not much more you can do. Everyone knows me here, and I have never had a problem including Forged Specialties. Lets be real here guys, we shipped them once for about $140.00 in a hurry b/c the customer called and wanted them, then their was a problem so its another $140.00 back, then fixed them for another $140.00 back to the customer. Why would we spend over $400.00 and then want to spend another $140.00 to pick them up b/c we sent them out damaged for fun? I dont want to fight about this, just dont think this needed to be on a forum, considering the fact I have been up at 2am at times talking to the customer, but under the bus I go. I am going to continue on the situation and fix it.
Last edited by Chris_1; 03-15-2011 at 10:31 AM.