Originally Posted by wdkwang
respectfully, to each their own, but i find a lot of names people give their cars korny.
ex: True Dragon, The Hulk, Silver Steel, " 'insert color' 'insert korny noun'," you get the picture.
keep it simple with a real girl's name. like Eleanor for the GT500 in Gone in 60 Seconds.
if ur bland and uncreative like me, call it Z.
Dang it, that's what I call my 370! Now I have to come up with a new name, since that one is taken.
Using wdkwang's helpful formula, I will now consider:
White Lightning
Pearl Necklace
Gleaming Tramp
Opaque Alacrity
Rain, snow, sleet, hail: 2009 Mazda 3 sGT HB
Everything else: 2009 370z, PW Touring 6MT