This is horrible. Having ordered from wheels direct myself, Chris was very informative and helpful. My wheels arrived perfect. If they looked anything like these I would a) want my money back or b)want all wheels replaced. If they were damaged via shipping, was there insurance on them? If shipping wasnt the issue, then there is no excuse for no quality control, especially if you were already unhappy with the first set. If two wheels arrived like this, it is likely the the other two were damaged in shipping as well. I hope this issue gets resolved.
87' Honda Civic Hatchback: Kaput @ 288,000 miles, 90' Toyota Celica: Kaput @ 175,000 miles, 93' Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4: Kaput @ 138,000 miles, 06' Scion Tc: Traded in @ 64,000 miles, 10' Nissan 370z: Traded in @ 25,000 miles, 12' Subaru Impreza Sti: Current.