Originally Posted by sasjustgotaz
Apparently not....
This guy thinks he can buy a car from an online impersonal internet company and the dealership that accepts the courtesy delivery is expected to jump through hoops... for what! Oh he’s in the military that’s why. it doesn’t matter how this dealership treats everyone else its how they treated the soldier that did not even buy from them. Don’t get me wrong people in the military should be respected but should they be treated any better than a janitor or a postman or a salesman, etc. see all of us make the world go round and we are all just as important as the next. I say all of this because I bought a car from this dealer and had the most outstanding experience, but you all don’t care about that do you?? Its only the bad news people want to hear and post on forums. Fusz you can back this up “its not always the retailer that causes the bad experience, sometime the customer causes it for themselves.”
It has nothing to do with rather he was military or not! It called common decency, and they couldn't be bothered because Brian wasn't "their customer"...They got paid to take the car and give it to the person that had already purchased it, so technically he is a "customer" considering he put money in their pockets. He might even be considered the best kind, he didn't even require any work really.