Originally Posted by Osiris
so we're talking 1-2k for the wrap? Curious, have you checked into prices for a quality full car paint job? I'm also not happy with the quality of the paint and am struggling to keep the front of car free of issues.
My cost is close to 1k for the best quality wrap available here. The car is very new for me to get the paint changed. Another thing is I am really sick of having road chips and marks on the car so atleast that will be taken care of
Originally Posted by Red__Zed
Like 3-5k for prep and paint.
woww guys thats very high, we can get it done a very very nice job for 2k to max 3k.
Originally Posted by Mr&Mrs
Good choice, I am still undecided. Plus I just bumped into someone in my other car and have to pay cash to fix it. So it may be another month or so before I wrap mine depending on how much it costs =(
Cant wait to see the results. When will it be completed?
Thats bad man, sorry to hear about that.
Mine will hopefully be done in a weeks time, as I will get the roadchips and some other marks filled with primer then wrap.
Originally Posted by Kcuba370z
 do the orange.
I thought about it a lot and all the orange shades I saw in Oracal wraps and some other the shade was not that good. So kind of settled for white, will look nice with Amuse kit and a custom hood