Originally Posted by vgd
Why would they deny a test drive?
I like to call ahead first before I come and make sure I can drive one.
My dealership is connected to ~20 banks. Is it a good idea to ask them to find the APR % from those banks? Do you think it's rigged?
the excuse they gave me is "we dont let anyone test drive our pride and joy" i laughed at him and i said "really? a 05 SRT-10 Ram with 60,000km on it is your pride and joy of the dealership? the truck is a fine truck, but not that fine"
But i know for a fact its all how you dress and what you drive. He didnt see the Z i was driving and i was dressed in casual clothes.
Same thing happend to my boss at my old work. The owner of the company owned a 94 Viper. The Co-Owner owned a KIA and wanted to go test drive a porche, he got some info about the car he wanted to drive but the dealership said no you cant test drive it. So he called the owner up and got the Viper for the day, went back to the dealership and said "heres my other car that i dont normally drive" dealership then said "ok lets go for a rip in the car you want" my boss said "nah, i changed my mind, im going to go by a 09 Viper ACR"