Originally Posted by spearfish25
It sounds like Joe and Dawn just want some free $hit and to pick a fight. Also, Joe needs to whip Dawn into shape and chain her back in the kitchen. I've never bought a single item from GTM, but this story wouldn't stop me from doing so in the future. Some people are just crazy, and Dawn appears to be one of them. Perhaps she should also consider spending less time haggling with businesses and go take some literacy courses. Her grammar blows.
As for shipping times, has anyone looked up exactly where Guam is on GoogleMaps? It's on the other side of the planet. It's obvious US Mail would take forever to get there. Moral of the story: businesses shouldn't ship anything of value to Guam and Guamanians shouldn't expect speedy deliveries. Why does Joe need a turbo-powered car on a 30 mile long by 4 mile wide island anyway?
Originally Posted by flashburn
Wow, this is all pretty crazy. It's interesting seeing both sides of the story.
Sounds like one of two things happened:
1. Someone at GTM (not Sam, obviously), tried to screw some people over (GTM, consumer, or both).
2. Consumer tried to (and accomplished) screwing over GTM into getting a new kit to replace a busted up one.
Just playing devil's advocate. 
Originally Posted by Bullitt@UAMotorsports
As stated GTM Stepped up to the plate and made sure the customer was taken care of. GTM put money out on the line and is waiting for the customer to do the right thing. I am hoping GTM can claim the insurance on the damaged items.
To the friend or wife whoever you are. We understand your plight and the situation. however, your actions here were completely uncalled for and unwarranted. Vindictive action due to emotions is very immature and irresponsible. Next time you have a problem with a company I hope you have a cooler head and atleast a little patience.
I tried to make the video as light hearted as possible and easy for anyone to understand.
Didn't want Free $hit. Just wanted Joe to get his Money back and never to spend a dime with GTM again. GTM didn't want that offered replacement parts and AFR gauge that Joe had previously spoke to Sam about.
Even though they said it would be taken care of. The piping wasn't even shipped till a few days ago.(This problem has been going on for quite some time) Joe will be leaving soon. The car will have to be shipped. Will the parts arrive on time? We shall see. If the original parts were properly wrapped, undamaged and shipped on time. The kit would already be on the car and shipping to somewhere else. That wasn't the case.If GTM had done what they are just now doing. Weeks ago the video wouldn't have been made and we wouldn't be reading this thread.