sorry im late but....
i know destiny z personally he is one of my closest friends out here

and i can vouch for him... he is telling the truth the first he got the box with the damaged parts he told me "bro would sam send me used parts?" i told him no!!! like everyone on here and then he emailed me the pictures... i freaked out because that doesnt look like shipping damage some of the damages look like they were grinded and tweaked.... coming from a friend destiny wouldnt lie... i know him better than that... his a super honest guy he told me last year i cant wait to get my kit from gtm but after all whats happened with him, i can say i will never order from gtm... im sorry but thats messed up how he has to go through so much crap to complain to gtm and take pics and show people because they dont believe him... this is my theory since guam is so far from states im thinking sam probably just sent the used kit to destiny to make a quick buck then blame the shipping on all the damages.... and i qoute from destiny on one of our convos.... "what did sam tell you when you complained about damages bro? he told me sh!t happens...." thats bullsh!t being a car enthusiast for several years i have brought in all my car parts for my cars and my friends cars from states.... ranging from cat backs to bodykits the customs out here wouldnt rip open a box and bend all the pipes like that and put black grime on the pipes that looks like it was there before it was shipped out.... ill leave it up to you guys to think what you wanna think... im just tryna stand up for a buddy of mine since theres only like 5 of us on here lol