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Old 03-07-2011, 05:36 PM   #44 (permalink)
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torpedo2k will become famous soon enoughtorpedo2k will become famous soon enough

To the OP- I really like Apple products but I will never stand in line for one. I have friends that do for some reason. They are true fan boys that watch every keynote and treat Jobs like a god. I have (had) the first version and my wife stole it from me after Day 1. She likes the fact that she can have iBooks, Kindle and nook all in one device. Outdoor visibility leaves something to be desired but there are workarounds. It is the benchmark for all tablets though - in my opinion others are trying to replicate while at the moment Apple is innovating.
__________________________________________________ _______
Originally Posted by Blue370tt View Post
Motorola Xoom and Android 3.0 Honeycomb blow the Itrash2 away. Clearly this person is a fanboy......and.....THE APPLICATIONS BETWEEN ANDROID AND APPLE ARE IDENTICAL AND MADE BY THE SAME DEVELOPERS.......only difeerence is the UI.
You seem to be dealing in absolutes. When you do- sometimes you can be absolutely wrong.
Apple applications are written in Objective C, a subset of the C language. Android apps are written in Java.
Yes, some software vendors write applications for both platforms. The key is the language they are written in. Objective C is hard core on memory management. The other factor is Apple's control and testing of all apps that are published. Google's Market Place on the other hand is kind of like the Wild Wild West at the moment. I have learned not to chose sides in the Apple vs Android debate. Having had hands on with both devices, I like features on both. My only problem with Android is reliability. I have seen first hand an app go astray and you couldn't even make a phone call. I doubt they will ever reach Apples reliability due to the nature of the product and the multitude of hardware platforms they are trying to support. It doesn't matter though. We all win in the end because the competition makes it better for all consumers no matter what your choice. Competition is a wonderful thing!

These are my opinions but they are based on almost twenty years experience working in IT. I am currently a Product Analyst and assist in product evaluation, selection and guide businesses with their product selections. When people at work walk by my office and say "What computer should I buy" I always answer with a question - "What do you need it to do?" Once they explain I make my recommendation based on their need.

Originally Posted by Cmike2780 View Post
Geeks run the world.
Not yet, but we are close... (insert Dr. Evil laugh here)

Originally Posted by southercadesi View Post
We prefer the term nerds
NO! I prefer Geek. Nerd infers that you are inept in social situations but have the same technical ability of the Geek.

HKYStorm and Dai- Apple is making huge inroads in the business/enterprise. VPNs and certificates are making connectivity to the enterprise seamless. I tested my iPad with VPN connectivity to a cloud running a virtual PC desktop a couple of months ago. It was pretty amazing.

OMG I just posted this in a car forum...

Last edited by torpedo2k; 03-07-2011 at 06:36 PM.
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