Hi gang... It's been winter here in Iowa and can't really get into the "detailing mood". But spring is right around the corner, so I finally got around to getting Zena ready for the road. I'm activating her this week for insurance, so she's ready to rock.
So my tale started 3 weeks ago. I worked on it mostly after work, and an hour or two a night when I can. It's either been too cold, or am too busy with my wife and son, so my time is limited... I did a panel or so a night, total time investment, about 8-10 hours I reckon. All done in the comfort and warmth (somewhat) of my garage with the aid of my trusty halogen tower lights.
I must say, it's my first time working with a white color (all previous 5 were black), more so an intensely flaked one. The color is just spectacular, esp after the jeweling stage. It was blinding in the sunlight!
- Washed with ONR
- Clayed with Pinnacle clay bar and ONR as clay lube
- Menzerna SIP - orange CCS pad - via Flex 3401
- Menzerna Top Inspection after every panel
- Menzerna PO85RD - gray CCS pad - via Flex 3401
- Menzerna Top Inspection after every panel
- CG EZ Creme Glaze - blue CCS pad - via PC
- CG JetSeal 109 - red CCS pad - via PC (2 coats, 8 hours apart)
- Pinnacle Sig Series II via foam applicator by hand
- Wheels sealed with OCW
- Tires dressed with PB Bold n Bright
- Take pictures via Nikon D60 in sunlight!!!
- Stand back and admire 3 weeks of work! ohhh my back
Onto the pics... sorry, but I don't have any before pics... it was tough to capture the swirls and rids on camera (since white), nor was I motivated enough... lol... And to think that I have TWO MORE cars to do... our daily drivers, a black 2002 Civic and a black 2009 Honda Odyssey.
And my favorite shot... shows the flawless pearl white paint and flakes perfectly...