Originally Posted by HKYStormFront
that's on purpose. people drinking the Apple cool-aid feel almost obligated to get the newest hardware because Steve comes out and says "hey, you! you need this!!". tablet? i don't really have much use for one. i can see where business professionals could use it (i considered getting my CPA cousin one for christmas since i drew her name, till i found out how much they are). now, the Xoom tablet? maybe eventually, i wouldn't mind having one. i just don't see myself using it often. if i started doing more photography and had meetings with clients, it might be cool to have a tablet to look at photo's but i could just use my laptop for that right? to me, the tablet seems like the ultimate tool for people who are professional assistants to corporate big wigs that normally carry around a calculater clipboard to write on and have their blackberry within an arms length at all times. seems like it'd make their life more simple but that's about as far as it goes.
i really dont think its meant for business users. Ive never seen one used for business as of yet. Everyone uses crummy laptops and thats mostly because the laptops are maintainable/secure/customizable to each company etc.
The Ipad is a entertainment / convenience device.
Like for me, while watching NFL on sundays, instead of having a bulky laptop or sitting at the desk, i could use the ipad to watch my fantasy teams.
On the airplane where a iphone screen is too small and laptop is too big, i could watch tv shows, movies and especially top gear.
When I travelled to China, I took my laptop, and it was a pain to carry everywhere. If i had an ipad that would have been great to use e-mail, chat with people back home.
When i go use the the bathroom (throne), i sure as heck wouldnt want to carry a laptop in there with me. I'd use the IPAD!
that being said, i havnt gotten one yet cus i find my money going towards my car and stuff : / but that also means its not a Necessity by any means and I dont think anyone who buys one thinks that. if they did, i think they would be a bit of their rockers.