Worry about your Nissan for the next few years. Then re-visit the idea of ripping apart an icon to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars and no resale value.
Baby steps.
Work your way up the food chain.
My first car had 225bhp and weighed 4000#
Second car had around 240whp and weighed around 3500#
Third car had around 250whp and weighed 3200#
Fourth car had around 300whp and weighed around 3600#
Fifth car (and current DD) has around 120whp and 3000#
Sixth car has around 440whp and 3200#
I am thankful for what I learned from each and every car before the next. I highly suggest a learning curve. I made a few mistakes along the way with that skinny pedal on the right that taught me some priceless lessons for a pretty cheap fee, all things considered.
Last edited by ImportConvert; 03-04-2011 at 09:19 AM.