Guys guys guys...9 pages of everyone saying their rates is worthless. That's like saying "I got a TV for $20"... Sure you might have a TV but is it color? Or is it a broken 1970s wooden monster?
What I'm saying is there is NO COMPARISON just in the numbers except just that. But the numbers mean nothing without the coverage included. Do you want cheap insurance? Then that means state BARE MINIMUM requirements. That means if you hit a building or a home or damage property (signs, telephone poles etc) your insurance company might pay say 5-10k and then YOU are responsible for the rest. Same goes for injuries incurred by you, your passengers and the other party (regardless of fault). These are the "limits" you can play with when getting insurance and they will drive the price up or down. Other extras like rental car, accident forgiveness sometimes come at a cost too.
The whole game with insurance is picking the coverage that makes you feel comfortable. I know me personally, I dont feel comfortable with bare minimum and I feel better knowing that I will be covered well god forbid something happened to me or my passengers. State minimum might be OK for some people but some people might have better piece of mind knowing they wont lose everything in the event of a terrible accident.
Last edited by steveg78; 03-03-2011 at 09:04 PM.