Originally Posted by WDRead
Simota - how much did they charge you and what did they say they did?
they charged me $120 for the diagnostic tests... they told me they worked on my z the whole 2 days they had it.... found out the tech was just joy riding in it in the northern part of the island

its funny because when the guy should me the first paper it read "diagnostic test $65" then when i say how much do i owe you? his like o wait this is the wrong paper and then he re printed it and it said $120 i was like what did you guys change? he said nothing we didnt change anything because you need a major tune up and all your plugs are starting to foul.... and it is not under warranty because of my mods... then he explains it costs $600 to change and i gotta provide the plugs or else im gonna fry my coils next which cost $500 each he said... you guys have no idea how hard my stomach was churning that morning he just kept saying stuff costing like $500 or more and i was crying inside already lol