Originally Posted by LinPark
I'm betting you got the dogs and the Z after you got married .. a woman with dogs and a Z don't need no man!
I wouldn't wish what you are going through on anyone - I've had quite a few friends go through it recently and it's never pretty. Hang in there and rely on your good friends!
I'd vote for a well cared for, used Z as a replacement. 
I actually got the first dog when I moved in, second dog was a wedding girft to myself haha and the third pup I got after 2 yrs married. One each relationship stage... and than got rid of the third dog over divorce
To everyones question... Id be comfortable with a $300 mo payment. And Im only getting a one bedroom aprtment so I can downsize to a studio with 2 dogs and all my stuff. Im gonna be paying an arm and a leg for it just to stay local.