ok guys.. time for some updates
We got 3 sets in total NEW and Nissan gone out of anything in stock so we had to outsource some used ones (which was almost like mission impossible since the car is new in here) so we just bought a microscope to go through the whole country to find those and we know we will and all will be ready soon, we managed to get some (pics below) and we still missing only two left fenders which we should be getting soon.
All fenders will come primed and ready to do any paint.
Below are
Nitrouz Fenders.. (almost done) but as usual, alex always love to have something different and of course, his wish is our command

... will be posting pics of the final product soon.
The rest of the fenders waiting eagerly for their turn to get treated :P
Some royal customer of ours dropped his car for some custom kit and this car took some time of our employees last week... i love the X6 just a mean SUV.