Okay so a while back I used Turtle Wax ICE All Wheel and Tire Cleaner. Do not use this product. I used it on my 19" Ray Wheels and I noticed it left this cloudy look to the rims. Then later I started to see these black marks on my rims. Some blotches and some long streaks. Even in the areas of the lug nuts. It was smooth to touch so it wasn't road rash or some fresh road stuck to the rim. So I took it to Nissan and after a few weeks talking to the factory rep. and sending photos off to Nissan HQ it was determined to be a chemical burn and not a factory defect so in turn Nissan was going to do nothing about it. Here is a link to the product.
Turtle Wax - ICE All Wheel & Tire Cleaner
I am debating on chroming the wheels or powder coating.