Mp3's yes movie formats no you have to use a converter for that. I would advise against the drag and drop into itunes and just let itunes scan your computer and load them all up than use that sofwater tune up to orginize and corect the naems for them all.
Most converter software will have a option to keep the original video fiel or change it.
You can use your other methods to get music hoverver you will have to drag them into itunes even after letting it orginize.
I am a orginizer junkie and want everything with proper artist names, song names, album artwork and so on so I do not downlaod I but and rip full cd's for the best sound quality and orginization.
vob files just google ___ file type convert to mp4 and should be able to find a software to do that.
I think honestly if you give apple a change you will enjoy it.