I used that stuff, right when I moved into a brand new house. I've now been on it for over a year and here are my thoughts:
- Worth every penny, in a 3 car garage I got 4 base coat kits, and 3 clear coat kits, allowing me to go a little heavy on the base coat
- I haven't chipped it, marked it up, or done any harm to it in the year I have been driving on it and doing work on it.
- the everything is in the prep. Like some have said above, THOROUGHLY clean the entire surface, and let it completely dry before even thinking about painting on it.
- Definitely use the etcher, I believe it came with the kits, just follow the directions.
- Allow the coats to dry completely before trying to walk on them. I stepped on one spot on accident while it was trying and my shoe stuck to the floor =)
- Don't use gray like I did, too easy to lose screws and small parts on the floor because you can't freakin' see it. a nice blue or maroon will make that easier. I think I might also suggest not using the flakes for the same reason. While they add to the nice look of the garage, it makes it harder to spot tiny parts on the floor.
- I do suggest the clear coat with the anti-slip sand stuff poured into it. I used the anti-slip stuff and if the garage is wet you better watch your step, lol.
Overall, take your time with the install and it will be a fantastic investment. I've spilled oil and all sorts of stuff all over it and it just wipes right off