Originally Posted by NewYorkJon34
I'm looking to get the Nikon D7000 for the next shoot, but its a pretty pricy camera
I have a D90 right now and gets the job done pretty well. Honestly, unless you dive in to the whole photography world, your pictures won't be any better with a D7000. It's more about technique than anything else. I can get the same quality pictures with a Nikon D40 for example (although w/less megapixels). That's not to say your images won't show any improvement. A good lens can be a game changer.
It's pretty much a rule not to take pics is the middle of the day unless your subject is in the shade. 20 min. before and after sunrise & 20 min. before and after sunset are the absolute best times to take pictures outside. Mount the camera on a tripod and use the built in timer to take the shot to avoid blurring. This is because the shutter needs to stay open longer. Even with the least expensive point & shoot, your pictures will come out way better with these simple techniques. Try it once and you'll never want to take pictures at 1 in the afternoon ever again.
I hope I don't come across as criticizing, I just thought that little tid bit would help you guys in the future.