I'm still kinda torn on the TPMS thing. It seems silly to me to have something stuck in the wheel that upsets balance and makes them add a bunch of weights on the opposite side to get the balance right. And of course it's mainly designed as a dummy light for people that never check their tire pressure.
On the other hand, if I pick up a nail at the start of a long highway drive, I may not notice that I'm 10 pounds low in one rear tire for a lot longer than I'd like, and that seems like a scenario TPMS would help with. Then again I've always faced that risk without TPMS in the past, and nothing horrible has happened (the above scenario did happen, but the tire was fine after being patched). It may come down to a coin toss whether I move them over when I switch wheels/tires.
Anyone have any idea what the update rate is like? If it were a medium-fast leak, would the system notice before you did, or does it only check every several minutes?