Your owners manual says wait 30 secs after you start your vehicle to let the oil flow through the engine. You can hear it when it has. After that let the engine warm up to temp then drive it however you want. Had plenty of new engines whether it's in a car, motorcycle, or pwc. I don't follow the break in process. Don't believe it. When new toys are out for testing, when reviewers test them, do they break it in before they get on it.......No. You may or may not want to hold it at full rpms for a long period of time but how can you do that anyways. I've been told the engine is usually broken in at the factory already or that it happens in the first 20 secs or 20 minutes or 20 miles something like that. I think you're good to go. Google Motomans engine break in myths if you want some subjective info.