Originally Posted by SPOHN
Because it's not a luxury car. These things are the sacirfices for a great affordable sports car. I could see how it effects some. But for me, I love it. Everytime I sit in this car I feel like I'm in a racecar. That's what brings me happiness. Side note, I am weird.
I you have a point, although I never really thought of it like that. This is by far the most expensive car I've bought, and was expecting it to be MUCH more refined and seamless in every way than anything I've owned previously. But what you say is right, it's
expensive next to regular cars but it's actually a
cheap high-performance sports car.
Don't get me wrong though. I'm on a high every time I drive it. Even after the recent discovery of its many characteristic whirs, knocks and thuds, I still adore my Z.
(Quick off-topic question; do you guys prefer Techron or V-power? Right now I use the latter).